Monday, March 26, 2018

Sorry, Not Sorry + #MyPostMonday The Week's Best Original Conent

I work with Middle School Special Ed Students. When I transitioned to this age-group from High School, I felt a little trepidation. This is the age group that is just beginning the transition from childhood to adulthood. They have a huge amount of learning to do in terms of how to adult. They are still such children in so many ways. 

I've learned to really enjoy this age-group, though, because they desperately want to learn all the secrets of being an adult and I find it to be so endearing (Most of the time). We have a cute 7th grade girl who has such a hard time saying "no". Her friends have learned that if they put enough pressure on her, she will give them anything--her lunch, her phone, her treats, the shirt off her back, her time. She is having such a struggle and it has gotten her into several situations. We are actually working on role-playing so that she can practice saying "no". She needs to learn it now because it will get even more complicated in high school, when boys enter into the equation.

It's not such a foreign problem to many adults, especially women, who feel that  they don't want to disappoint people or let others down. After observing the behavior in someone who is so new at being independent, I've been making an effort to be less of a push-over myself. What I mean is that as much as I try, I'm not going to please everyone. But rather than falling all over myself apologizing for my shortcomings, or agreeing to do or give things that I really don't feel comfortable with, why not make it a double advantage, and practice being assertive, all while boosting someone else and assuming the good in them?
In effect, I intend to practice stating what it is I normally would apologize for, but without the apology, and instead follow it up with an honest statement of confidence and expectation that the other person will not only acquiesce to the request, but totally understand! Examples:
  • I need to cancel our plans--thanks for understanding! Next time?
  • I can't commit to that right now. But it's a wonderful thing that you are doing. Good luck with your cause! 
  • I don't drink. But I'd love to be a part of the fun!
  •  My house is a mess, and thanks for understanding that housework isn't the only thing I do.
  • I just noticed I've got my shirt on inside out, wow! That's hilarious! 
  • I 'm not interested in buying your product right now. Thanks for thinking of me, though. I'll keep my eyes open for someone who might be interested!
  • My child is having a melt-down. Thanks for understanding that I'm a good parent, regardless!
  • I'm not going to give that to you because it's something I value right now. I'll help you try and find something similar if you'd like, or if there comes a time I don't want it, I'll think of you!
There are a few things I feel like I should always apologize for: being late, falling through on a commitment, or offending someone. Those are things that hurt another person and an apology should definitely be in order. 

I feel like this kind of strategy is good for self-esteem, time-management, stress-management, and sets up perimeters for productive relationships. 

What do you think about this kind of social strategy? Is it empowering or non-productive? Let me know what you think! 
 Today is "My Post Monday!", a curation of the week's best original content. It's all about posts from Crafts to Camping, Wellness to Wealth, Fashion to Food, and whatever else is on the brain!  I  open up with a post of my own and then follow it up with a linky of the week's top original blog posts! It's all about what the writer thinks, believes, and knows--in other words, they are active, writing blogs. If I happen to find a great original, non-sponsored post, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MyPostMonday hashtag!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! (Affiliate links welcome!)     

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Make Your Own Probiotics With EZYogurtMaker #Giveaway

 We all need probiotics and the EZYogurtMaker is the easiest, least expensive and freshest option out there! Think of one health issue that you have right now that you wish would improve. Chances are, probiotics can dramatically help that very thing!

Probiotics are a miracle of nature and provide hundreds of magical benefits for the body! Some of these benefits are:
• Reduce Illness: Inhibit/Reduce Colds/Influenza/Flu, Respiratory/Nasal/Ear Infections...
• Fight Cancer:Fight Cancer(general), Bladder, Colon, Liver, Lung, Stomach...
• Enhance Nutrient Absorption: Calcium, Iron, Fiber Digestion, Produce B Vitamins, Phytonutrients...
• Lose Weight: individual results say"...reduced body fat by 3–4%...", "lost 50% more weight... " No special diet or exercise!
• Lose Belly Fat: studies show"...belly fat was reduced by 8.5%" "reduced...BMI, waist size and hip circumference.."
• Prevent Weight Gain: test subjects - "...prevent weight gain on a high-calorie diet." "...decreased fat storage"
• Control Cravings:"...release the...(appetite-reducing) hormone GLP-1...burn calories and fat."
• Improve Digestion: Help w/Lactose Int., Diarrhea, Vomiting, Flatulence, Nausea, Ulcers, IBS, Indigestion...
• Improve Mental Health: Aid w/ Depression, Anxiety, Sleep Quality and Duration, Mood...

As with any food, fresh is always better. But it's hard to get fresh probiotics. The options are pills &  powders, which, at best, only have a small amount of dormant, usable bacteria. Store-bought yogurt is what most people use for probiotics, and it loses potency while being shipped and stored. Also, it only uses a couple of strains of probiotic, whereas multiple strains are desired. And there is home made yogurt, generally the most healthy way to get fresh probiotics, but it is quite an involved process and needs up to 3.5 hours of preparation time. 

The EZYogurtMaker is so easy because you simply get a gallon or 1/2 gallon of milk, put the starter seeds into the carton, turn on the warming sleeve, and leave it to heat at the perfect temperature for approximately 8 hours. It is so easy! And with 11 strains of probiotics, it is one of the most complete formulas anywhere! And at around .16 cents per serving, it is so affordable!
Once the yogurt or kiefer (it depends on how long you leave the milk in the warming sleeve) is made, there are so many ways you can flavor your probiotic. You can flavor it with stevia and fruit, or you can make a chocolate probiotic shake like I do! Read my review on how to make a Morning Chocolate Probiotic Shake! Also check out more recipes on the EZYogurtMaker Blog!
EZYogurtMaker has teamed up with A GAL award one winner their own EZYogurtMaker, a $49.99 value. Make sure to enter in the Rafflecopter below and enter daily for more chances to win!
Disclaimer: Open to U.S.!  A GAL NEEDS...received product from this sponsor to facilitate the review of this product. Affiliate links may be present. No Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, nor any other social platforms are involved in any way!
Must be 21 or older to participate, 1 entrant per household, Winner will be contacted by e-mail
after 04/12/18.  Must respond within 48 hours.
After notification, winner will be asked to acknowledge their win by contacting sponsor on Social Media and letting them know of their win.
Entrants with invalid entries will be disqualified.
Sponsor, 'EZYogurtMaker', is responsible for delivery of prize package. 

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, March 19, 2018

Status Quos Are Meant To Be Broken + #MyPostMonday The Week's Best Original Content

What kind of person are you? Are you someone who tends to think outside of the box, or someone who feels better blending in and not rocking the boat too much? In today's culture of calling someone out for being even a little different, emboldened behind the anonymity of made-up screen names, I would say that we like to blend in more than stand out. We tend to go with the status quo--unless we are the one popping off behind the laptop with the fake screen name.

I have to say that I admire those who are earnestly interested in following where their journey of logic and intelligent inquiry takes them and who, then, openly follow their truth as they know it. Everyone is on a journey! To say that someone is this label or that label is not fair to that person or to time in general. It's like saying that everything is stagnant and finished--never moving back or progressing forward.

I admire the person, who having been told that things need to be a certain way their whole life, continue to question and ask intelligent, fair, and thought-provoking questions that bring them to their own understanding, which may be slightly or even radically different than what they've been taught in the past. Their motivation isn't to be oppositional or rebellious, but just to conduct a sincere, curious, often painful search for truth.

Then, on top of that, they are brave enough, and intelligent enough to verbalize why they have chosen the way they have. It doesn't mean they are finished with their journey, it doesn't mean they disavow everything they have learned from the past. It simply means they are continuing on with their lifelong search for meaning. 

I like being around these kind of people. I like open-minded, and honest conversations. I like non-judgmental, heart-felt, listening as well as conversing, exchanges. To me, this kind of person is truly a fascinating individual. But that kind of person is indeed a rarity, and hard to find!
Today is "My Post Monday!", a curation of the week's best original content. It's all about posts from Crafts to Camping, Wellness to Wealth, Fashion to Food, and whatever else is on the brain!  I  open up with a post of my own and then follow it up with a linky of the week's top original blog posts! It's all about what the writer thinks, believes, and knows--in other words, they are active, writing blogs. If I happen to find a great original, non-sponsored post, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MyPostMonday hashtag!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! (Affiliate links welcome!)     

Saturday, March 17, 2018

I Love...You Love...'We Love Colors' Tights #Giveaway

One of the reasons I love winter and spring, obviously, is not having to shave my legs AND the chance that I have to wear colorful tights! I love wearing different colors and textures on my legs when it's cold. And my go-to shop of choice is 'We Love Colors' because their tights are super comfortable and so soft, with so many colors and textures to choose from, and they are all made right in the U.S., in Miami, FL! Last year was their 15th birthday! 

Now that winter is almost done, I'm making the most of the last chances to wear tights, thanks to We Love Colors. Here are some shots of me wearing the Fishnet Pantyhose in Mocha, which I made into a more conservative look, and the Emerald White Striped Tights, just in time for St. Patrick's Day! I actually have many more of their tights! They last a really long time! Just wash them in a hosiery bag on gentle cycle. They will literally last for years.

'We Love Colors' is also giving away 2 pairs of tights to a lucky reader! Make sure to enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!

I'm sure that whatever fun fashion ideas you've got, they will only be that much more fun with a pair of tights or leggings from 'We Love Colors!' 

Enter in the Rafflecopter below to win 2 pairs of 'We Love Colors' tights. The possibilities are endless! (Ends 3/31 at 11:59 pm MST) Open to U.S. and Canada!   a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: Open to U.S. and Canada!  A GAL NEEDS...received product from this sponsor to facilitate the review of this product. Affiliate links may be present. No Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, nor any other social platforms are involved in any way!
Must be 21 or older to participate, 1 entrant per household, Winner will be contacted by e-mail
after 03/31/18.  Must respond within 48 hours.
After notification, winner will be asked to acknowledge their win by contacting sponsor on Social Media and letting them know of their win.
Entrants with invalid entries will be disqualified.
Sponsor, 'We Love Colors', is responsible for delivery of prize package.

Monday, March 12, 2018

It's Just Stuff + #MyPostMonday The Week's Best Original Content

Recently we went out to dinner and a movie, or should I say pizza and a movie, with some friends and something that we said about taking care of my dad triggered our friend into a story about how her sister has taken over her father's trust and estate and is spending it down like it's her own, even though there are 3 other siblings who are wondering what the heck she is doing. Apparently, when her father was at his least competent, shortly before he died, she went in and had him sign over the whole thing to her and then went to an attorney to make it legal. It has been such a heartbreak because the sister is being reckless and disposing of keepsakes and other valuables without any of the rest of the family's permission. Just to be able to have something that belonged to their parents, the family has to buy it from their sister at an exorbitant price. It's crazy that families can be like that.

So, how concerned are you about property or money settlement issues within your extended family?  I know it can be a sore spot.  When a parent or relative gives out holdings in an unfair way or in a way that people don't agree with, tensions within families can mount.  But is it worth disenfranchising your own family, or worse? If it comes right down to it, I'd rather just let them have the heirloom china and wish them good luck with it.  You can't take it with you anyway!

But that is exactly what happens sometimes. I heard of a story that happened several years ago in Louisa, VA.  A man shot and killed his own son and nephew in an ongoing dispute over a piece of property, not to mention the 4 others that were wounded in the fray.  Then police shot and killed him after he fired on two deputies and released his pit bull on them. Apparently, this 1.5 acres was a real hot commodity among family members. Police were called on multiple occasions to settle disputes amongst the clan.  But it never got violent until that point. 

 Well, sir, I hope you are happy.  You're dead, your son is dead, your nephew is dead, making for a fun-filled party on the other side!  And who gets the 1.5 acres?  I guess whoever was left alive!  I hope the remaining relatives will be a little more wise.  Wow!  I used to live in Virgina.  I'd have to say you might be a redneck if... you bring out the .22 caliber when your limited vocabulary of "Thisheer is ma land...ain't no one else's!" fails to bring about a unanimous agreement!
May I suggest a few ways to insure a peaceful estate settlement when the time arrives?

1.  Only involve the individuals who are named in the will or trust.  The fewer outsiders and outside opinions, the better! Spouses and children who are not directly a part of the settlement don't need to be involved.

2.  Start the conversation!  Many times it is awkward to even mention that someone won't be around forever.  Many times people are afraid that they will sound greedy when talking about estate affairs.  A possible good start to this conversation might be:  "Mom, Dad, I know you love us. You have taught us how to be thoughtful, caring people, by example. I am reasonably certain that you want us to care for you in your old age and for each other when you are gone. You could do a lot to keep the spirit of our family alive and healthy after you are gone by talking to us now. You could make it immensely easier on all of us by giving us some information about your wishes and plans. This is not about money. It is about relationships and trust and responsibility.”

3.  Establish trust between family members - Family history and child rearing methods of prior generations can foster distrust between siblings. Competition among siblings is common. Although it might not be the easiest time, it is a crucial time to build trust among family members.  Do so with open dialogue and transparency of intent.  Now is not the time to have hidden agendas.  
4.  Learn as much as possible - Usually there is one primary executor but if the work is shared, not only is it easier on the executor, the beneficiaries will also have a better understanding of what is involved and have a greater stake in the best resolution for the whole family.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

EZ Yogurt Maker + Chocolate Probiotic Shake #Recipe

We have heard lots about probiotics on the forefront of health news. They were first introduced as something good all the way back in 1907, when Elie Metchnikoff  published a study showing that drinking fermented milk could increase longevity! Probiotics have been found to soothe symptoms of IBS, encourage a balanced mood, keep your brain healthy, prevent diabetes or metabolic syndrome, contribute to healthy skin, temper allergic responses, and protect your heart, to name just a few benefits!

Given the importance of probiotics, it would seem that we would want to have them around and readily available for consumption. As a matter of fact, most people do....somewhat. Yogurt is the most popular food source in America containing probiotics. However, many brands of yogurt have been manipulated so that there are less probiotics and much more added sugar! 

Another popular way to get probiotics is through supplementation through tablets, capsules, and pills. I did just that for quite awhile. And while this can be a great way to get probiotics, it is expensive and sometimes you can fall by the wayside if you don't continually stock up and remember to take them. 

Recently I found the easiest way to have fresh probiotics at the ready! I make them myself! It's so easy with the EZ Yogurt Maker! All I need is a gallon of milk (you can choose 1%, 2%, whole, almond or coconut milk), the EZ Yogurt Maker warming sleeve, and a packet of the starter.
Basically the EZ Yogurt Maker is a sleeve that heats up to the perfect temperature to make yogurt, keifer, or a probiotic drink. I like to start the process right before bedtime and by the time I wake up in the morning, I've got keifer. If I want to leave it a little longer, I've got yogurt! 
I love how well it fits into my already established morning routine of a protein smoothie. It gives the added nutrition of billions of probiotics, with 11 different strains. You can't get it any fresher than this!
I'm sharing my recipe for 'Chocolate Morning Probiotic Smoothie.' I love it and so will you!

Chocolate Probiotic Smoothie

1 cup of probiotic drink, unflavored( I used 2% milk to make the probiotic drink)
1 cup of spinach or other greens
1 scoop of chocolate powdered protein
2 tsp. of unsweetened cocoa
1 scoop of chocolate Meal Replacement powder or similar chocolate powder (Your choice)
Cover with ice
Blend for 1 minute or until blended

Things I've noticed: 
  • Easier to keep off weight - normally it's hard to keep off the weight, especially when I have an unexpected eating opportunity. But since I've been drinking my probiotic smoothies, it seems like the scale is more forgiving of those times. 
  • More energy - I have a couple extra hours of energy added to my day, which is huge! More time to get things done! 
  • Better rest - I rest more intensely, and wake up on my own, ready to get going! It's great!
Follow EZ Yogurt Maker on Facebook

Monday, March 5, 2018

More Than A Magazine Cover + #MyPostMonday The Week's Best Original Content

Recently I have been impacted by several outspoken movements that are attempting to help women redefine what is perceived as the primary value in women--their physical attractiveness. Physical beauty has traditionally been dictated by what society says. For instance, in ancient China, the smaller a woman's feet were, the more beautiful/desirable she was. And so a woman went to great and tortuous lengths to make sure that her feet were small enough for her to be perceived as beautiful. If she was worth enough, she would be able to be treated well and have a a comfortable life. 

Is it any different in today's society? The fashion, beauty and now, even health industries have seemingly successfully defined a woman's value based on some very narrow perimeters that say she must look no more than 25, be no more than a size 6, and in order to be perceived as healthy, her boobs, booty, and legs must be free of cellulite, and jiggle-free. She must be able to look great in anything--- volleyball shorts, bikini tops, and mini skirts. Her face must be unlined and her hair shouldn't be gray. 
So many of us have bought into that notion and have suffered because of it. How often do we refuse to go to the gym because we don't want to look in the mirrors and see ourselves compared to others? How often do we discount any other achievements we have made because the numbers on the scale are not what we want? When someone tags us on Facebook with photos which I've totally noticed, for some reason, never seem to be our best look, are we mortified that the public sees this or do we just think, "Not the best shot of ME, but she certainly made sure SHE looks good." (Ha Ha!) When we see wrinkles or signs of aging, do we rush to the med spa to get an injection to smooth it out or turn to the latest beauty discoveries to help slow down the process that happens to everyone, but a process no one wants to happen to them.

I must say I am guilty of all of the above in some form or fashion. The power of the media and societal rankings are powerful indeed. But I have realized that these manipulative, mind-altering lies about my worth as a woman are not healthy and so I've tried to fight back the best that I can so I can move forward. Here are some things that I do consistently:

When I go to a gym, I purposefully wear clothing that is not attention-grabbing or anything but functional. I do it so that I don't need to feel like I'm competing in any way, shape or form with anyone else. I just go and git 'her done!

I picked  the most non-judgemental being I know of for an exercise partner--my dog. She lets me do things at my own pace, in my own way. No judgement!

I don't weigh myself as much as I used to. If I feel healthy, comfortable, and energized after what I've done for myself the day before, then that is good enough for me. I use my own body as a regulator for my health, not the scale. 

I use real women as examples for my own social media. I follow authentic people who aren't into posing and showing that their worth is based on their bodies. I don't photo shop my own photographs and I never attempt to be more than I am. However, I do need to improve at feeling comfortable being photographed, especially when I'm not feeling at my best. We need more real women to help others know that we all have worth, more than just our bodies.

I was especially impressed at something Jessica Biel did at the latest Golden Globes. She actually let her gray roots show through...barely. It's something that I do a lot! I had to give her an air high five for that one!

I especially love this quote by Erin McKean--"You don't have to be pretty. You don't owe prettiness to anyone. Not your partner, not your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street. You don't owe it to your mother, you don't owe it to your children, you don't owe it to civilization. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked 'female'. "

Here are some links for sites I love that are all about positive, non-body-focused female empowerment.  Invisible Women Documentary, Beauty Redefined, Leah Darrow

Today is "My Post Monday!", a curation of the week's best original content. It's all about posts from Crafts to Camping, Wellness to Wealth, Fashion to Food, and whatever else is on the brain!  I  open up with a post of my own and then follow it up with a linky of the week's top original blog posts! It's all about what the writer thinks, believes, and knows--in other words, they are active, writing blogs. If I happen to find a great original, non-sponsored post, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MyPostMonday hashtag!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! (Affiliate links welcome!)     

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Is There An Age Limit To Male Fertility?

It is well known that a woman's fertility is limited by her age. A woman will eventually enter menopause, stop ovulating, and no longer have the physical ability of conception. This is somehow a defensive mechanism because a pregnant woman in her late 80s has a very low chance of surviving the pregnancy and neither would the baby!

But for men, we are told that fertility goes on and on. This is because a man produces sperm all through his life cycle, which means they are theoretically fertile until they die. There have been various cases where we've heard of men between the ages of 80-90 conceiving a child and are convincing proofs men are fertile until they die. 
However this does not mean there won't be any issues with the man and his fertility. While men stay fertile throughout their lifetime, their level of potency declines considerably with age. In the case of women, they become non-fertile immediately after menopause, while with men, fertility declines considerably year after year. Fair is fair, after all!

Older Men Have More Damaged Sperm

To clearly explain things, a man's sperm and motility will go down with age. And researchers have proven this over and over again. Back in 2004, a researcher conducted a study on older male fertility, and it was discovered that a man's chance of conception reduces by 11 percent every year because of increasing age.

Also, we should consider the high risks of genetic abnormalities in babies conceived by older men. They are more likely to have children with genetic deformities. The reason for the genetic deformity is because of the mutation that occurs with age in men's sperm and this can have adverse effects on the baby because the mutations can cause damage to the sperm.

Older men have more damaged sperm when compared to younger men who are in their twenties and thirties. Some of the diseases that could develop include Autism, schizophrenia, and many others. An Australian study presented at the annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Amsterdam in 2009 found that daily ejaculation helps in reducing DNA damage in sperm for the majority of men, although oddly enough, it increased DNA damage in some. 

Having understood the above explanation, one can see that no two men are equal. Genetic buildup varies from man to man, and there are several factors such as sex life and diet that can determine a man's chances of conceiving during old age. A ninety-six-year-old man once claimed that he eats nothing but vegetables and almonds and that he has sex thrice every night. This feat achieved by the
old man would be huge, not only for someone that old, but for anyone past middle age.

Facts and Figures About Men, Age, and Fertility 
- The average time for conception if a man is under 25 is just over 4.5 months. Whereas getting pregnant over 40 averages about two years.

- If a man is over the age of 45 years, he has a five-fold increase in time to get a woman pregnant.

- For couples having IVF, the risk of not conceiving is more than five times higher if the male partner is at least 41 years old.

- The volume of a mans semen and sperm motility (the ability of sperm to move towards an egg) decrease continually between the ages of 20 and 80.

- The risk of miscarriage is twice as high for women whose male partner is over the age of 45 than for those whose partners are under 25.

- Children with fathers aged 40 or older are more than five times as likely to have an autism spectrum disorder than children whose fathers are under the age of 30.

It Is Important To Be Healthy
There are various ways to boost the fertility of men, even older ones. It is all about picking the right lifestyle and keeping stress at bay. A man should know that being healthy is important and being overweight will have a negative effect on their health. The more the waistline is, the lower the testosterone levels, because fat tends to lower the body's testosterone levels. Also, one should avoid fatty foods as much as possible. Include zinc, antioxidants, vitamins, and folate in your diet so that the sperm damage risks are significantly lowered. Another great addition to your diet is almonds because they contain lots of nutrients.

A study conducted recently in the Journal of Urology discovered that men with erctile dysfunction and cholesterol who eat a cholesterol-lowering diet regularly had their problem solved. It lowered cholesterol and improved erectile function in eight of nine people. The researcher also urged men who suspect fertility problems to get tested. They should first ensure that the issue isn't a physical one because some men have testicular or prostate cancer and don't even know it.

Men should ensure that their testes are in a cool state every day. This is because heat in this area will damage the sperm or reduce its production. To accomplish this, a man needs to wear loose clothing, such as boxers in the place of briefs, and avoid saunas and hot tubs. Also placing laptops and hot machinery on this area is dangerous, so avoid this to keep the testes cool.

Because a man has the ability to conceive a child at any age does not necessarily mean it will be an easy process for every man. A man needs to be aware of medications he takes because some might affect his fertility rate. So, check with your doctor to find out. If you are looking to have a baby, you should go for a medical checkup to ensure that there are no problems such as inflamed veins and clogged ejaculatory ducts. When you rtake care of all these, you might be luck enough to conceive when you are older!

Monday, February 26, 2018

Joy In Any Life Circumstance + #MyPostMonday The Week's Best Original Content

Today was another day at work and this morning I walked in feeling kind of groggy for some reason, OK I know the reason. I ate too many oatmeal cookies the night before. It was a cookie hangover! My husband loves them and so do I. He likes them without chocolate chips, I like them with. So I acquiesced to his request and made a batch at around 9 p.m. last night and of course, my will power is terrible at that time of the evening. I succumbed and I ate dough, cookies and, also, milk has to be involved. I generally made a mess of my eating for the day. But it was so good!! Next time he asks me, which will be next Sunday, I will not comply. I kind of do an alternating routine with the baked goods, otherwise we'll be in poor shape when hiking season comes around. He'll need to wait until the Sunday after next before I will bake again. Wow, you just got a peek into a very mundane routine of our lives. It's just what we do. However, we enjoy it! 
Image - Alan McIntier  Affiliate and non-affiliate links used for informational purposes. Thanks for your support!
We live a very comfortable, predictable, generally unexciting kind of life, most of the time. I go to my job, then run errands, maybe go to the gym if I'm up to it, and come home ready to do a little blogging--2 - 5 hours worth. As the evening stretches on, he sits by my side, at his desk, doing his thing. We turn on some music that both of us can tolerate, which sometimes is the Nora Jones Station on Amazon, or my awesome playlist. After awhile, he'll get up, turn off his lamp, say good-night, and head upstairs to bed. I will look at the clock and realize it's way later than I thought. Not enjoying being by myself so late, I'll hastily finish up whatever I am doing and head up too. 

It wasn't always like this. We had a more exciting life 10 - 17 years ago. We went out and traveled way more than we do now. But we were also working through a lot of issues from each of our 1st marriages. Sometimes the issues we were working through didn't mesh well and it wasn't a comfortable space. Trust was a huge issue. Also feelings of betrayal would seep into our own relationship. Many nights I'd leave for a few hours and just sit in the car, not wanting to return. Sometimes I left for weeks, once even a month. However, I'd always return and we'd talk things out and things would go better, until next time. I'm really glad that those days are gone. But even during those more tumultuous times, I knew it was important to find happiness in the things I was capable of appreciating.
I'm happy to say that I was able to do that. Sometimes sleep was the only thing I could appreciate (I'm a huge fan) but then there were other things too, like my boys, music, hobbies, walking my dog, riding my bike, and dancing. I believe the one thing that some people say is intangible or not even real, was something that shaped my whole outlook. It was my belief that God was looking over me and that there must be a purpose in the things I was going through, even the things I had already gone through in my life. (See past blog posts) I never lost faith in that. And so, even though my circumstances were not the most ideal at times, my focus was, and still is, on my faith and the conviction that there is a God in Heaven who knows all, and who has given us so many opportunities to learn, grow, and become who we were meant to be! Maybe not now, but eventually! And that makes me happy!
 Today is "My Post Monday!", a curation of the week's best original content. It's all about posts from Crafts to Camping, Wellness to Wealth, Fashion to Food, and whatever else is on the brain!  I  open up with a post of my own and then follow it up with a linky of the week's top original blog posts! It's all about what the writer thinks, believes, and knows--in other words, they are active, writing blogs. If I happen to find a great original, non-sponsored post, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MyPostMonday hashtag!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! (Affiliate links welcome!)     

Friday, February 23, 2018

'Hug Your Skin' 100% Organic Skincare! My Review And #DiscountCode

I think I was one of the first people who began to take notice of what was being put into personal care and cleaning products. I had excema and couldn't imagine what could be causing it, and I also felt nauseated when I went down the cleaning isle in the grocery store. I hated the smell of 'Pine Sol'! In 1991, I started using natural cleaning products. It was so nice to be able to use products that had non-toxic ingredients in them. And the same went for make-up, lotions, and cleansers. I quit using the grocery store brands and started using products with more naturally based ingredients, avoiding the potentially harmful, cancer-causing ingredients. My excema cleared up, and although I still have some skin sensitivity, it's so much better now than it was back then. Funny thing, it turns out that one needs to be careful and watchful of their own health because many of the big-name companies are solely concerned with their own profit margin, and if that means putting cheaper, less safe ingredients into their products, they will do just that. The FDA does not regulate like one might think!
This site uses both affiliate and non-affiliate links for reference purpose. I was provided free product to facilitate this review! All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I always have my eyes open for quality skin care products that have as many natural ingredients as possible and produce positive results. Recently, I was very lucky to have discovered a company called 'Hug Your Skin'. The founder is Lucy, who is originally from Prague in the Czech Republic. When her son was born, she, like me, became very concerned with ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products and made it her mission to find companies that make the very best products, with 100% organic ingredients! It was not until she discovered 'InLight Skincare' at an organic trade fair in Germany that she felt satisfied that she had found the very best in organic skincare. 'InLight' was the only company at the entire fair that claimed to be 100% organic, nothing synthetic added. After further study, she became convinced that this was the company she had been searching for. She began distributing their products in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. But she had been to America and wanted to make her home here. And so when she relocated, she brought 'InLight' skincare with her. Having already established a relationship with them, it was easier for her to import these products to the U.S. in high volumes and make them available here.