Friday, February 26, 2021

Weekend Fashion Deals

 Cents Of Style

This blog uses both affiliate and non-affiliate links for convenience. A GAL a participant in Shareasale Affiliate Marketing Network

All graphic shirts are marked down now thru March 1st! This is the entire graphic collection, which includes over 70 pieces! In addition, take another 20% off the already marked-down price! This means there are graphics available starting below $8! Use code GRAPHICS20 for the additional discount. Free shipping over $35. Here are a couple of my favorites:

Graphic Hoodies: Markdown - $24.99 With Code: $20.00 (Available Sizes and Links below)

Available in Sm, 2XL, 3XL

available in Sm and 2XL

available in Sm, 2XL and 3XL

 Graphic Tees - Various Markdowns, sizes and availabilities
(links below):

Art Deco Half Moon Tee     

Leopard Jungle Tee

Take The Trip Tee

Leopard Lips Tee

These are just a few of the fun items I found on the site! 


Grab some cute spring dresses for under $20 right now at JANE! Many items are free shipping. I'm listing a few below!

Plaid Weekend Skirt

Indie Weekend Skirt

Thanks for checking out Weekend Fashion Deals on A GAL NEEDS...

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Turn Your Passion For Health Into A Career Option


Living a healthy life is something that I've always been intent on doing, as many people are these day. But what if you want to take it one step further? For example, if you exercise, it could lead you to take it further and become a personal trainer. When it comes to turning your health into a career, what sort of options are there beyond being a personal trainer? The answer is: there are many!

This is a partnered post, however all thoughts are my own. A GAL a member of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program

Working With Herbs

While you could work in terms of homeopathy, which requires you to study for a qualification, some people like the immediate effects of natural products such as THC or CBD. In which case, you could sign up today to become a vendor for products containing THC. It's a fantastic way to get yourself involved with the ever-growing medical marijuana community, but you could also become self-employed and offer advice. If this is a passion of yours, it could be the best way to develop a freelance career. It is important to know that you need a license to practice this, but usually, it requires more of an investment over rigorous training towards qualifications.

Nutritional Therapy

We are at a crossroads in life in terms of diet. There is one side that talks about veganism being the one true path, yet others are talking about the carnivore diet. And nutritional therapy is something that is about using science to back it up. The fact of the matter is that everybody seems to be some sort of nutritional expert these days, especially if you look on social media! If you have an interest in eating well or helping people to live better lives through their diet, this could be a great choice. Studying to be a nutritional therapist is a straightforward approach, and it also gives you the opportunity to fix your own health. 

Wellness Apps

If you are an enthusiastic blogger, you may use it as an opportunity to put across your thoughts and feelings in terms of health. There are so many blogs that do this, but if you want to go one step further, and how you have technical skills you can start to use your own abilities to help others through an app. Many apps help people even in terms of wellness or using natural ingredients. And you can bring it all together with a blog to create a fully-fledged health and wellness business.

Self-Care Coaching

One of the best things you can do to help others is to focus on self-care. We live in an age where self-care is so important, especially in light of current events. And being a self-care coach isn't just a fantastic way to help others, but it allows you to shine a light on your own issues and make sure that you are looking after yourself properly. It is an incredibly rewarding thing to see somebody love and respect themselves. 


As you can see, if you're looking to turn your love of health into a career option, there are a wide variety of choices out there! Look at what you love about achieving and maintaining good health. Decide how you can help others attain the same kind of enthusiasm that you have. Know that there is value for the kind of assistance you could provide. Create a package and a payment plan! Don't be afraid to dream!

Monday, February 22, 2021

I Don't Live There Anymore + #MyPostMonday The Week's Best Original Content

 The other day, my dog Evee and I were tramping around in the hills of our local horse and hiking park, which goes miles into the hills and dells of my town. It's really a lovely place (except that the horses go off the maintained bark trails that are meant for horses, and go onto unmaintained animal and walking trails, destroying the delicate eco-growth, which makes it hard to keep a decent pair of walking shoes😫). So, other than that it's lovely.

It was earlier in the morning and that is the time when we run into groups of moms working out before school and work. They are chattering as they run or walk, full of pre-workout, caffeine or both. You can hear their excited banter from far away, signaling their energetic approach. 

And since I use the time as a peaceful, reflective time, I usually avoid running into such groups and take an alternate route. This morning was no different, I heard their approach, I took a different trail. But I still overheard a couple of sentences that one woman was telling her walking companion. It went like this: " least you know you did everything you could. You didn't do anything wrong. So going into it, you don't need to feel guilt......."

I thought it was so interesting that one woman was trying to make another friend try to feel better about something she was dealing with. I don't know if it resonated with the woman she was talking to, but it sure resonated with me. I applied what she said to myself and took it literally. It felt like she was saying those words to me.

How many times have I felt guilt, not because of what I did, but what someone was putting on me regardless of whether or not I deserved it? Regardless of whether or not I was trying my best, regardless of what was going on in my life. It's been so many times that I can't even count. And the thing is, I've internalized it. I've felt the burden of it. I have felt so bad and my sense of worth has been diminished.

Here I am, still trying to figure things out, trying to interpret some of my actions and where they came from. Somewhere deep within my unconscious being, a probable self-defense or coping mode had been activated. So embedded that I haven't even recognized it for what it really is.......until recently. I've come to understand what some people with strong personalities, who are close to me have done. They have set me up to be a scapegoat, someone to blame things on, someone to treat poorly because they have seen it done to me in the past. So even though I have done nothing wrong, they like to blame me for things. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

Creating A Safe Home Environment During Times Of Crisis And Beyond


This is a partnered post, however all thoughts are my own. A GAL a member of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program  image


 Like every home, the family comes in various shapes and sizes. The pandemic's lock down and social distancing protocols mean you’ll likely spend more time than usual with your families. Working from home, virtual school with your kids, and ensuring your family's safety can sound pretty daunting. However, there are additional risks. A 2018 study asserted that the US recorded 125,3000 preventable fatal home injuries, a figure which represented 75% of all preventable home injuries. With your family spending more time at home now, check out these simple tips to secure your family. 

1.    Don't just dine, connect



 Eating together as a family seems to be more and more difficult. But the rewards for finding a time to eat together at least a couple times a week can pay off big dividends. Dinner presents a fantastic platform to measure how well your children are navigating their teenage years. Studies have shown that the time you spend together with your kids is essential in reducing their chance of falling into conditions like alcohol or substance abuse, depression, or in the worst case, contemplating suicide. Dinner builds individual members into one collective family; 30 minutes of dinner together each day is enough to get the family more connected.

2.       Your home should be a haven

For your family to flourish, it’s essential to have a physically and emotionally safe space where every member feels secured and protected. Where else can you have that than your home? Children particularly need that safe place to re-energize and get going once again. Regardless of how independent they become after they begin having sleepovers and going to extracurricular activities like sports and other programs, they'll always need a home to return to. The home offers a safe spot where they can be themselves entirely and comfortably connect with the entire family.  

While we continue to face the pandemic, it’s practical to consider ways to make your home more comfortable for your family. Are you remote working, or are your kids' schooling from home? Here are some tips to make your home a haven.

  • ·Allow more light into your home. whether that is to open the window treatments during the day or maybe get a light therapy lamp!
  •  Have dedicated personal spaces regardless of whether you are sharing or living alone. It allows people to relax, regroup and unwind on their own time, in their own way.
  • ·Prioritize presence and connection. Have a designated screen-free time (dinner would be perfect) to foster connection and rapport with other family members
  •  Keep your home tidy and clean. That may be tough if you have kids. Don't feel as if you have to be perfect at it. You'd be surprised what a few minutes of tidying  up in the morning and in the evening can do for the feeling of peace within your space!
  • ·Establish sound limits. Letting people know what your limits are is a good strategy. Make sure they are reasonable and that you stick to them!

3.       Pick up a family plan

As daunting as it may seem, picking the appropriate family health plan for your family is vital to protecting them. Choosing the right family plan is key to guaranteeing that even in your absence, your family will have some level of financial protection to cater for basic things like food and healthcare, mortgage, and care for the aged or disabled loved ones. You need solid leads to figure out which insurance agency is reliable and explore their products to find one that suits your family's needs. More serious health issues require more specialized coverage and could even require legal assistance. Some health issues can be the result of former employment with hazardous working conditions. For instance, mesothelioma is a common illness due to asbestos exposure. It's important to find a firm with highly successful mesothelioma attorneys to hold the company responsible.

4.    Examine your home for safety hazards

Statistics by Safe Kids Worldwide have suggested that an average of 2,200 children suffer fatal home injuries each year. Take the time to examine the various rooms in your home and eliminate any potential hazard source to secure them. Establishing control over the health and safety of your home is key to protecting your family. Make a consistent effort to remove any potential hazards. If possible, replace hazardous products with safer ones.

 5.  Prepare For Unexpected Emergencies

Being prepared for the unexpected will give you and your family more confidence that you can overcome problems with ease. These emergencies could be a power outage or natural disaster (or both at the same time). But, other emergencies can happen outside and around the house as much as inside it. Make sure you teach your kids (and partner) to be safe outdoors to avoid injury and accidents, even if it is as close to home as your front lawn. Make a point to learn more about potential personal injuries so you know your options and, hopefully, have the funds to pay for any legal fees you may have to get appropriate compensation.

 Make sure to have a plan for unexpected emergencies. Have a designated meeting place in case people get separated, have a 24-hour survival bag ready and accessible for everyone, store extra food and water in extra available space. A great place to store emergency food and water supplies is under beds and in closets.

Remember, all families are different. All families need safety, nurturing, love, and a place to grow. It's not an easy task, but so worth every little effort you make towards those ultimate goals!


What is something you do with your own family to cope or prepare for challenging times ?


Monday, February 15, 2021

Amazing President's Day Sale At Del Sol

 Hello Gal Pals! This is a very quick post, done out of love for you and this company. I've worked with Del Sol for a number of years and have a yearly giveaway for them. They have the most amazing color-changing clothing, nail polish, kid products, jewelry, etc. They are the best! 

This is a non-sponsored post with non-affiliate links
Today they are having an amazing President's Day Sale that is so good,  I ordered twice! Everything on their site is 50% off with free shipping on all orders over $35.  A lot of their items are already on sale!
Plus, if you order any 3 teeshirts, you get one of their extremely high quality cloth, color-changing tote bags. I've included a few images of things I saw on the site! Use the code: GOODVIBES to get the 50% discount.


I'm a fan of everything at Del Sol and especially when their sunglasses are on sale, I make sure to get some. They are 100% UVA UVB, polarized and with a lifetime guarantee!

Have a wonderful President's Day!

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Top Six Reasons To Exercise Before Going To Work

 If you feel as though you are in a rush every morning before you go to work, then you are not alone. So many people are in the same position that you are in right now! But believe it or not, there are a number of reasons why you should try and work out before you clock in. Here are some very persuasive reasons to give some serious consideration to doing just that.

Give Yourself An Energy Boost

Coffee shops have sprung up on every single corner, or so it seems. It's safe to say that it's now easier than ever for you to grab one on the go. Research has shown time and time again that exercise gives you energy. If you are able to start your day on just 30 minutes of exercise, then you will soon find that you have a much better wake-up call when compared to having a cup of coffee. If you want this, you will soon find that you are able to wake up more and that you can have the best start to the day. If you are not a confident runner, then you're not alone there either. Go early, stick to the quieter streets and build your stamina.

Image This is a partnered post, however all thoughts are my own. A GAL a member of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program  

Friday, February 5, 2021

Book Review: Surge On Like A River


This blog contains both affiliate and non-affiliate links. A GAL a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program

Surge On Like a River

About The Book

Surge On Like a River is the English translation of the Tamil book titled ‘Nee Nadhi Pola Odikondiru’, originally written by Bharathy Bhaskar, a Chemical Engineer and an MBA, who is a banker by profession. She is also a popular columnist and speaker, and a household name in Tamil homes, thanks to the debates and shows she has spoken in.

The essays are written in a simple, engaging style, and filled with profound insights. These nuggets of wisdom primarily draw from the author’s life experiences and her empathetic observations of the people and situations around her.

This English translation by V. Shyamala captures the lively nature of the original, bringing it to a wider audience with the idea that the readers who do not know Tamil should not miss out on the wonderful collection.

Purchase Links

Book Review
Surge On Like A River is a series of essays from the popular orator and anchor of a daily talk show, Bharathy Bhaskar. The translation was generally very well done, maybe a bit ambiguous in some parts, especially since the culture in India is very different from America. But the wisdom, wit and humor from Ms. Bhaskar is spot on. In fact, she reminds me a bit of Nora Ephron when she wrote, I Feel Bad About My Neck. It was a great read in order to get a feel for the differences in cultures and appreciate the women there. It was great to see that in many ways, though different, our cultures are concerned about the same things! I loved the thoughts about mother/daughter relationships. There are some real gems of advice for that. There are some great observations about the seemingly never-ending quest for beauty among women. In fact, it seems that women in India are just about the same in that regard and Ms. Bhaskar reminds us that beauty can be found in so many different versions of what makes a woman who she is. She addresses the plight of the elderly in India, women in higher education, how to use spare time, love, and so much more. I went away feeling like I could identify with and learn so much from women in India, especially through Bharathy Bhaskar's well-trained and very keen vision! It was a nice change from the historical fiction that usually takes up my reading time!

Monday, February 1, 2021

Pulling Out The Gratitude Card + #MyPostMonday The Week's Best Original Content

Have you ever heard the old story about the waiter who asked a customer whether he had enjoyed the meal he had been served? The guest replied that everything was fine, but it would have been better if they had served more bread. The next day, when the man returned, the waiter doubled the amount of bread, giving him four slices instead of two, but still the man wasn't happy. Ever persevering, the waiter doubled the bread again the next day, without success.

On the fourth day, the waiter was extra determined to make the man happy. And so he took a nine-foot-long loaf of bread, cut it in half, and with a smile, served it to the customer. The waiter could hardly wait for the man's reaction.

After the meal, the man looked up and said "Good as always. But I see you're back to giving only two slices of bread." (As told by Dieter F. Uchtdorf)

And I'll bet you know someone like that. We all do---Someone who never acknowledges the good things that are happening around them, but are always noticing and mentioning what is wrong. It drives people up the wall. It's a toxic personality flaw. The person who can't be grateful.

And fortunately for everyone, there are those people who, no matter what they are going through, are always able to look around and see the good. Because in all actuality, we Americans have had it pretty good for a long, long time. 

The vast majority of Americans have been able to have food on the table, a place to stay, family, friends and endless entertainment options, whether that be vacations, movies, gaming, hobbies, social media, etc. Of late, I've felt to be more appreciative of the many things in my own life that give me comfort, ease, and fulfillment. I often wonder what it would be like if I had to live in a 3rd world situation. Would I be able to pull out my gratitude card then? 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

How To Lose And Maintain Your Weight Successfully


 Are you satisfied with your current weight? If not, which measures have you taken to achieve a healthy weight? Obesity is a major cause of various health issues. Therefore, weight maintenance is an essential health aspect that every person should pay close attention to. I'm not talking about what I like to call the "Vanity Pounds", a 10-20 lb. discrepancy between what the charts say and your own weight. I'm talking about the unhealthy kind of weight that endangers organs, heart, ligaments and glucose levels.

Basically, for individuals struggling with obesity, a unique solution to achieve a permanent solution does not exist. Human bodies respond differently to various food and weight loss remedies. Hence, what works effectively in one person may not yield a similar result to another.

To discover a weight loss strategy that is likely to work effectively, you need patience, determination, and experiments based on different diets and food. The following are some of the ways you can apply and lose and maintain your weight successfully.


Photo Credit This is a partnered post. A GAL NEEDS...uses affiliate and non-affiliate links for convenience. 

1.      Reduce Calories, Carbohydrates, and Fats

Obesity can cause serious health issues, both physically and mentally. At times, due to size changes, it can negatively influence your choice of fashion. Discounted clothing may be your only option since your previous clothes may no longer fit you. Your choice of diet can have a significant impact on your weight and physical appearance.

According to experts, when you cut calories, your weight may reduce in the first few weeks. Therefore, to achieve a constant weight loss, you should continue reducing calories. Calories also have different impacts on the body based on the type of food. 

Some people eat food as a way of relieving their stress. This may slow any weight loss plans. The role of the hormone insulin is also another essential process linked to the weight of an individual. Consumption of carbohydrates triggers the body to produce the hormone.

Insulin prevents fat cells from discharging fats to be burned as fuel by the body. The hormone also creates extra cells for storing fats that cannot be burned by the body. As a result, you will gain extra weight. Consequently, the body needs more fats to burn. Hence your eating habits increase automatically. 

Reducing the number of carbohydrates can help in breaking this cycle. The reduction of fats that you consume can also have a significant effect on your weight. Avoid diets that comprise a lot of fats. Try as much as possible to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. 

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