Monday, October 9, 2017

Unencumbered + #MyPostMonday The Week's Best Original Posts

Something that has been on my mind lately is the many personality disorders that one can end up having. There have been several that have affected me personally over the years. We have OCD, narcissism (which is more than posting lots of selfies on Instagram), Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar disorder, and many other dis-orders. All of them are deviations of what is considered to be a healthy, normal outlook on life and the coinciding behaviors.

This is OCD Awareness Week, and I'm definitely aware of how much it affects the one who has the disorder as well as the ones living with the person. Not fun. But all of these disorders have to stem from somewhere and that's my quandary. Where do they come from? What causes the disorder in the first place? Are they hereditary, learned, or randomly affecting different individuals with no connection to either genes or environment?

I do believe that childhood is the most prolific learning period in our individual human development. And it is paramount that a child receives the proper modeling, care, nurturing, and everything else to ensure that they have as healthy a mind as they do body. 
I've often stated that we are all on the spectrum of different mental illnesses and/or deficiencies. I know that I am probably undiagnosed but register on the spectrum with several stress-related conditions, as well as other disorders. But I can only try and manage my symptoms. I choose to do that with natural methods. Heaven help me if I decided to go on opiates or other self medicating rituals. I have an addictive personality, as evidenced by my 'Design Home' addiction! (Shoutout to all my 'Design Homies!)

In honor of OCD week, I want to find out a little bit more about different mental disorders and how I might better understand them and those who struggle with them! May you have a mentally unencumbered week!
Today is "My Post Monday!", a curation of the week's best original content. It's all about posts from Crafts to Camping, Wellness to Wealth, Fashion to Food, and whatever else is on the brain!  I  open up with a post of my own and then follow it up with a linky of the week's top original blog posts! It's all about what the writer thinks, believes, and knows--in other words, they are active, writing blogs. If I happen to find a great original, non-sponsored post, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MyPostMonday hashtag!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! (Affiliate links welcome!)   

Monday, October 2, 2017

Love Will Win! + #MyPostMonday The Week's Best Original Content

This morning my husband greeted me with the horrible news of the Las Vegas massacre. I couldn't believe that yet another earth-shaking tragedy has occurred and this is one that no one can blame on global warming. By recent accounts, the perpetrator was seen as an ordinary guy, with a few excusable vices, like gambling. What made his mind snap after his gambling binge in Vegas? Or was it simply a cold, calculated, murderous rampage, with his own demise signaling the end of the horror? I couldn't help but cry as I saw the videos of helpless people not knowing what to do and frozen in fear as they were systematically being gunned down by this lunatic. So many of them were heroes and even gave their lives while protecting others.

There has been an upswing in unbelievable kinds of tragedies in the last year alone. What on earth is going on? I guess the best thing anyone can do is be prepared. Prepared for what though? If you don't know exactly what is going to transpire at anytime or anyplace. what do you prepare for? The best thing I can prepare is my state of mind. I need to prepare my mind to realize that I might not be around as long as I might think or, if I am, the possibility of not around in the way I thought I would be.

What are the things I would like to leave behind? For one thing, I feel like I need to perform more service. I don't want my world to be limited by what I see behind my screen. I need to look around at the people in my own neighborhood and city, and try to make a difference there. I'd like to make a renewed effort to be of more service wherever I can. My feeble attempts at donations and prayers are fine, but there are opportunities right where I am! I may not change the world, but I may change my own life and make it better by making others' lives better. 
Image - Nate Burnett
And why would I do something like that? Because I don't believe that this life is a dead-end. I don't believe that once you are dead, that is it. I believe life goes on and I don't believe that the evolution of man means that my own life's evolution is done with the end of my life. I believe in the human spirit. I believe in accountability to a higher power. And I believe that my service to my fellow beings is also simultaneously in the service of my God. It does take work and it does take intention. And these tragic events are making me more intentional with what I want to do.

These tragedies are changing people. They are either making them more hateful and vindictive or they are making them more determined to do good and be prepared. I know which one I intend to be. One of these days, the world will be governed by one entity. And that entity will be love! The best thing I can do now, even in the face of evil and tragedy is practice, practice, practice. Practice doing good, for love will win in the end!
Today is "My Post Monday!", a curation of the week's best original content. It's all about posts from Crafts to Camping, Wellness to Wealth, Fashion to Food, and whatever else is on the brain!  I  open up with a post of my own and then follow it up with a linky of the week's top original blog posts! It's all about what the writer thinks, believes, and knows--in other words, they are active, writing blogs. If I happen to find a great original, non-sponsored post, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MyPostMonday hashtag!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! (Affiliate links welcome!)  

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

5 Tips & Tricks To Get Your Dream Car

                                               This is a Sponsored Post 
I'm not sure about you, but when I make a new car purchase, it's a big deal! Unlike my shoe closet, I don't have multiple vehicle choices in my garage when I decide to drive somewhere! Can you imagine?  "I need to do all the grocery shopping and need more room today--mini-van it is." or "I'm heading out to the restaurant and want to be fancy shmancy, so I'll go with the BMW 340i xDrive this evening." or "Taking a road trip and want my dependable and comfy Ford Explorer to take me there!" I Wish! Nope, it's "I'm going in the car, and I need my ONE vehicle to do multiple things for me. It needs to work!"
That's why making a smart decision about which car you purchase is so important.

Here's some tips to consider when making that all-important decision!

1) Ask yourself, "What will the majority of my car use be for?" For example, if you are a taxi driver for your kids and you're on the road a lot or waiting for them in the car, what type of car would make it easier and more comfortable for you to fulfill that role?  Asking that simple question can help you get into a good mindset quickly, and consider what may be on the A1 priority list.

2) Research. As you narrow down what you need and want, do the best research that you can! Do you need big trunk space, lots of leg room, affordable cost, lots of extra features like dvd players, childproof features, cup holders, side compartments, etc. or all of the above! You can research it out on a site such as It's very user friendly and will help you find a vehicle that is right for you!

3) Budget-Friendly. Make sure it is within your budget and that you can either get a great car loan or you can put a good down-payment on the car, which would bring down your monthly payments significantly. 

4) Sell your other car. You can sell your old car and get good money for a down-payment! Take a little time to increase the curb value of your car by washing it, taking care of minor repairs like paint chips, and even replacing things like old tires, wipers, and fluids. Once you do that, can help you sell it for the best price possible. has lots and lots of traffic consisting of people searching for a new set of wheels. Make your car their next new (to them) dream car.

5) Never buy without testing. One of the most important things is to always test drive your vehicle when possible. You wouldn't start dating someone seriously without going on a few dates first and seeing if what they advertise is really the truth! Same with your car! You need to know if your potential partner in all things transportation fulfills your expectations. So don't just settle for a quick drive around the block. If you need to offer to pay for some gas to get a feel for how the car operates, then do it! 

I highly recommend for searching for the car you want. Whether you are a car buyer or car seller, it is a great site to include in your research! Not only do they have new and used car sections, they also have a certified pre-owned section that means the cars have been checked and certified to be in great condition, according to either manufacturer or dealer specificatons.   There is also a place to estimate your monthly payments and a whole lot of other great information conveniently located on one site!

Getting a car is quite a process, but it will be worth it in the end if you just take those few preliminary steps beforehand!

Monday, September 18, 2017

Things That May Wreck Your Health + #MyPostMonday The Week's Best Original Content

I'm as interested in my health as anyone! I know what it feels like to not have your health and I much prefer having it as long as I possibly can. So I really try and do the things that will help me keep it. For instance, I exercise regularly, I take supplements that have high absorption levels. I get enough rest, avoid stress when possible, drink filtered water but not bottled water, and try and get social interaction on a regular basis, which takes a bit of work, since I'm an admitted reclusive extrovert!

But it seems that if one is too dialed into health newsletters, health mags, and health sites, you can be inundated with credible and non-credible information all posted together and it can drive you crazy trying to figure it all out. If you tend to be OCD, it will definitely drive you to new levels of obsessive behavior.
For instance, DON'T, under any circumstances, shower with your eyes or mouth open because of contaminants in the water. Anything from farm waste, toxic algae, to drug resistant bacteria can come out of your showerhead, so please be warned!

Don't forget the mold monster hiding behind the walls in your house, under your flooring, and in your shower. If you breathe in too much of his toxic vapor, you will succumb and be infected with diseases like parkinson's, and symptoms that can mimic cancer! Where is it found? Basically, everywhere. To test for it's existence, pay anywhere from $305 to $1167 on average!

And before you buy regular table salt from the store, please consider the following: It contains fragments of plastic. Yes, toxic plastic! From what source? Plastic water bottles, of course!  (source)

Love to eat sushi? I do! (At least I did....) Don't be too eager to go out to sushi because eating raw fish of any kind may put you at risk of getting parasites! Mainly in the form of tiny worms, these little critters can cause you to get bad cramps, and a combination of distress in your intestinal tract. So think before you indulge! (source)

And let's not forget about rice. Rice is said to have multiple chemical residuals, after harvesting, from harmful pesticides. Rice is causing Arsenic poisoning and wrecking the health of millions of people. But the good news is you can soak your rice overnight before cooking it. That will take out almost 80% of the arsenic.

Ok, I'm going to stop right now before I get myself into a self-induced, paranoid, stress attack. I can really understand how people can become agoraphobic! 

You know the thing that wrecks your health more than anything? Worrying about the latest thing that could wreck your health! My own peace of mind and stress levels dictate that I continue my reasonably good health practices and not worry too much about what experts say may be lurking out there trying to wreck my health. Except, maybe I WILL rinse my rice, avoid raw fish in the sushi, buy different table salt, test for mold, and keep my mouth shut when I shower!  

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Celebrating The Many Facets Of Resilience Anjolee Jewelry #Review

This summer hasn't been the best for many of us, we've seen better--primarily because of these horrible hurricanes. First came Harvey and then Irma, devastating so many people's best laid plans. I can't even guess how many weddings, sports events, vacations, life goals, family reunions, etc. are being waylaid. Even worse, many have no home to go back to in order to recover from those disappointments.

But Americans are survivors in the face of tragedy, and they rebuild. I love how so many people give of their time, talents and resources to lend a helping hand to those faced with tough times. I so admire those who withstand it together and don't give up! I think there is power in remembering and celebrating resilience. 
I was provided with product for review purposes.
Anjolee Jewelry is a company that understands and uses their own specialty of creating beautifully crafted jewelry to celebrate and commemorate those special times of unity and survival.

About The Company. Early in the 1960's the company's founder began designing and selling jewelry in New York City. The company was the originator of the now well-known tennis bracelet design! From New York, the company moved to L.A. and then to it's current location, Chula Vista, CA, where they are now one of the largest diamond jewelry manufacturers in the United States! They are known for providing their customers with the finest quality of hand-crafted, customized jewelry, using only the finest precious metals, natural diamonds and gemstones! Because customers have the opportunity to buy directly from Anjolee, they can receive prices below retail.
When I was asked to review the company, I felt like I resonated with the message and the beauty of their anniversary ring. It spoke to me of simplicity, beauty, and a celebration of resilience. As a result, I ordered two of the anniversary rings. One is a diamond and emerald ring. Emerald is my birthstone. It reminds me of struggles and battles in my life that have made me who I am. When I look at it, I know I am strong and can even be an anchor to those who may temporarily need to borrow my strength while they gain theirs. The other ring is a diamond and sapphire setting. Sapphires remind me of my baby daughter, whom I thought was healthy when I was pregnant with her, but found out the day she was born that she had a fatal condition that wouldn't allow her to live outside the womb (Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type 2). It was a miracle that she lived for just a few minutes, enough time to greet her, hold her, and say good-bye. She is forever in my heart and now I remember her with that ring. 
 So you see, even though these rings are anniversary rings, they can have other meanings as well, and hold significant sentiment for all things enduring. One day I would like an anniversary ring with all diamonds to celebrate my 20th year with my husband! That will be in 3 years! Wear them separately or stacked. I like to wear them stacked!

Follow Anjolee on Twitter

Monday, September 4, 2017

Acquired But Not Purchased + #MyPostMonday The Week's Best Original Content

This past Saturday we cancelled our camping/hiking plans for Labor Day Weekend to attend the funeral of our former neighbors' son. I knew that if we didn't go, we would regret it because they had been such good neighbors and friends. We had lots of shared experiences and fun times to look back on and we wanted to offer our support at this difficult time.

The funeral was a reunion of sorts because it had been a few years since we had been back to the neighborhood to visit. It was so good to see everyone and we were SO glad we went.

As we saw friend after friend, it made me think about why they had become friends in the first place. I think it was because, in some way or another, we had shared something with them of ourselves, and they had done the same in return. It was things like meeting in conversation and finding ourselves of like mind in various topics, and sharing things of interest about our families. It went beyond social media outreach. Many of them had attended events with us and we had supported them in one way or the other. Nothing of monetary value had been exchanged, unless it was to support a common interest, such as a club or team.  
After the funeral, we  vowed we wouldn't stay strangers for so long this time and went on our way. It occurred to me that this is the secret to having and keeping friends--shared experiences! And many people know this so much better than I do. Give people an excuse to have a gathering and it's done! Throw in an opportunity to volunteer time for a greater good and it becomes an even more powerful medium for friendships to form. 

Another way to form friendships or allegiances is to actually buy them. I can't help but think of the free phones that were given out during the 2012 election. A 2nd grader I ran across last week actually still has one and uses it during recess! What about lobbyists and the huge Super PACS that have turned elections into money-driven moneliths, with billions spent during election years. It may be an effective way to get support for today, but when the money dries up, will the support continue or is it just fair weather friends after all?

It seems that an ancient English historian named Thomas Fuller, born in the early 1600's, thought as much. He believed that bought friendship won't last long at all. When the gifts stop coming, the friendship stops as well. I've never really thought about that in those terms. Does it mean that if I give someone--someone I view as a friend--a gift, suddenly the friendship is doomed? I don't think so, but if all the friendship is based on is money, then yes, it's not based on authenticity and thus, destined to fail. But maybe my reasoning is faulty. Maybe there are many instances where at first the relationship is veritably based on monetary advantage but later turns into more. I'd love to get some examples to prove that such things can exist! So if you do have a story for me, please let me hear about it either way! In the meantime:
 Today is "My Post Monday!" It's all about original content from bloggers who care to share what is on their minds--from Crafts to Camping, Wellness to Wealth, Fashion to Food, and whatever else is on the brain!  I  open up with a post of my own and then follow it up with a linky of the week's top original blog posts! It's all about what the writer thinks, believes, and knows--in other words, they are active, writing blogs. If I happen to find a great original, non-sponsored post, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MyPostMonday hashtag!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! (Affiliate links welcome!)  

Saturday, September 2, 2017

'Nutty For Neocell' Product and Cash #Giveaway!

It's time for the month of bers! September, October, November, and December!! Can you believe there are only 4 more months of 2017 left? I was just getting used to it being 2017! Crazy! I recently went to an event where I hadn't seen some friends for a few years. I can tell you, time marches on, whether we are ready or not! But today's beauty advances can help us erase the ravages of time on our faces and body. It's easy with NeoCell!
This blog uses both affiliate and non-affiliate links for reference purposes. Thanks for visiting!
Using the latest findings in beauty science, Neocell can help curtail the onward rampage of time, at least when it comes to youthful skin and healthy looks! They are the #1 collagen brand in the country and a leader in the field of nutritional science.
Just a few of their great products include:
NeoCell Collagen + C With Pomegranate - This provides a boost of Collagen Types 1 & 3, which are the collagens responsible for the skin, nails, hair, and maintenance of the body. It also provides an infusion of antioxidant, Vitamin C from Pomegranate! Best taken on an empty stomach to maximize absorption.

NeoCell Ceramides Hydrator - This is the super nutrient of 2017. It plumps the skin as the moisturizers are delivered into the body!

NeoCell Beauty Bursts - A fruity tasting chewable that delivers collagen to the body quickly and when you are on the go! Delicious! Also contains hyaluronic acid to aid absorption. 
NeoCell is a company that gives back. Since 2011 they have partnered with Vitamin Angels to help a condition that is known as "hidden hunger", children who appear to get enough to eat, but are not receiving the necessary nutrients for proper growth and development. For every bottle of NeoCell Supplement sold, 1 child is given enough crucial dosages of vitamins to sustain them for a whole year, reducing the mortality rate by 24%!
 For more information about their many products, check out their online product catalog!
NeoCell and I are partnering to bring you an awesome opportunity to try out some of their products! One winner will receive a $50 eGift credit to purchase the beauty products of their choice from a NeoCell retailer, plus that winner will also receive a $15 PayPal Credit to their PayPal Account!

Enter in the Rafflecopter below and make sure you follow me on Facebook because you need to be in the know about my other giveaways! Ends on 09/27/17.
Disclaimer: A GAL NEEDS...received product from this sponsor to facilitate the review of this product. Affiliate links may be present. No Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, nor any other social platforms are involved in any way!
Must be 18 or older to participate, Winner will be contacted by e-mail
after 09/27/17.  1 entrant per household please. Must respond within 48 hours.
After notification, winner will be asked to acknowledge their win by contacting sponsor on Social Media and letting them know of their win.
Entrants with invalid entries will be disqualified.
Sponsor, NeoCell is responsible for delivery of prize package. A GAL responsible for delivery of cash prize.  

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, August 28, 2017

How Extra Time Makes You Happier + #MyPostMonday The Week's Best Original Content

I've always felt that my time is the most precious possession I own, not things, and sometimes I'm very jealous and protective of it. Think of what you can do with time. You can use it to perfect yourself, create something of value, use it for service to others, or you can squander it. Now, my belief has been verified by a study that just came out in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences! It says that "when people spend money on time-saving services such as a house cleaner, lawn care or grocery delivery, it can make them feel a little happier. By comparison, money spent on material purchases---aka things---does not boost positive emotions the way we might expect."   
Image - Ben Milner
I can apply the time saving idea in another way. For 7 years I worked at what used to be my local high school. But for 4 of those 7 years I had to commute because we moved to a city 33 miles away. This school year is different. I actually took a significant pay cut to start at the bottom pay level because, sadly, my years of service in one school district make no difference to another school district. But at least I won't have to commute 66 miles per day! I've only been at work for 4 days and I can already feel the difference! It is amazing what that commute took out of me. In essence, I bought a shorter work week and for me it's worth everything! When I come home after work I'm not feeling like all I want to do is take a nap and recover from not only the work day, but the commute itself! 

I guess what I get from this study is a reaffirmation that Americans could be doing more to make themselves happy. We are lured into the notion that having more material things will make us happier, when it actually could entrap us into an endless cycle of playing catch-up! Instead of throwing down $100 at the local favorite place to shop or friendly internet site, think about paying to have someone mow the yard, pick up your groceries, clean the bathroom or kitchen, or simply give up something that sucks time and energy from your life. Then with that saved time, think of the most enjoyable, productive thing that you can do with it. It may be getting a good nap, reading a great book, or going on a hike somewhere. It may be watching a movie, talking to a friend you haven't seen in awhile, or volunteering for your favorite charity. It's a sure thing that your happiness quotient will go up! I know that I will try to do that more because I have experienced the feeling firsthand when I gave up my commute. Read about the study here!
 Today is "My Post Monday!" It's all about original content from bloggers who care to share what is on their minds--from Crafts to Camping, Wellness to Wealth, Fashion to Food, and whatever else is on the brain!  I  open up with a post of my own and then follow it up with a linky of the week's top original blog posts! It's all about what the writer thinks, believes, and knows--in other words, they are active, writing blogs. If I happen to find a great original, non-sponsored post, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MyPostMonday hashtag!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! (Affiliate links welcome!)  

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Make The Latest Beauty Science Work For You #NeoCell Review

The world of beauty is advancing almost as quickly as technology is. What was cutting edge one month is old school 6 months later! Exciting new science is happening in the world of beauty and you can choose what 40, 50, or 60 years looks like. You can dictate it all--from how your body looks and performs, to how your skin, hair, and lashes look, to the way you feel! It's amazing and it's up to you whether you take advantage of the new findings or leave it strictly to chance.
Image Credit: Toni Cox Photography
What I've decided to do is evaluate what my life goals look like. I want to be able to hike mountains for a long time and I want to enjoy grandchildren that I hope to eventually have! (Cross my fingers that it's before I'm 60, my sons are in no rush to have kids anytime soon!) I don't want to be a slave to beauty---constantly trying to upkeep my looks and my physique to the point I don't have time to do anything else. But I DO want to feel healthy and look good in my 50's, 60's, and beyond. It requires some maintenance, but not as much as you would think, if we're smart! A company called NeoCell has done the research and provided the products--all I need to do is make it fit into my routine. Here are a few things I do to save beauty maintenance time!
This blog uses affiliate and non-affiliate links for reference purpose. This is a partnered post.

Snack For Beauty. I gotta have me some snacks. But I can make them good for me at the same time! One of the best ways to keep up hair, skin, and nails is to give it the foods it loves. Did you know that collagen is one of the most important components for skin, hair, and nails? Unfortunately, what your body produces naturally in your 20's, diminishes significantly every decade. But there are some really easy ways that you can fortify yourself with collagen. Thanks to NeoCell, the leading company in collagen research and products, you can incorporate collagen supplementation in your daily routine so easily! A product called NeoCell Beauty Bursts Gourmet Collagen Soft Chews are the bomb! They taste like Star Bursts, yet supply you with collagen which is easily absorbed into the body. Just be careful! They are addicting! They are gluten, soy, and palm oil free, not to mention there are no artificial flavors. I am guilty of taking more than a daily serving, which is 2 bites, providing 2,000 mg high absorption collagen 1 & 3, 20 mg Vitamin C, and 20 mg Hyaluronic Acid which is known as "nature's moisturizer" because it hydrates the skin.  I also love their new Collagen Cookie Bars for the same reasons! They are new, and really good! Do I look guilty below, or what?

I may or may not have eaten more than 2 servings today! Beauty Bursts are so good!
Add To Things Already In The Routine. Another amazing product that you can sneak into a smoothie or flavor your water with is the Collagen +C Pomegranate Liquid. It adds antioxidant benefits to clinically tested collagen. We already know that breakfast smoothies are good and we know that water is something we need. It just makes good sense to incorporate all the benefits possible into the good things that are already in our routines. Of course, you can also take the Collagen +C Pomegranate Liquid straight! It's pretty tasty! 
 When taking daily vitamins, make sure to include NeoCell's Ceramides Skin Hydrator in the mix. It's a capsule that contains 30 mg of ceramides, the hottest beauty ingredient of 2017 because it improves skin moisture and reduces trans epidural water loss!

I love the latest beauty science and I love how NeoCell does the research and makes products that fit into my busy lifestyle so I don't have to spend precious time wondering if beauty maintenance is really worth it. Obvs, it definitely is!
(Find Neocell on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!)

Monday, August 14, 2017

Today's Complexities + #MyPostMonday The Week's Best Original Content

Today wraps up a mystery that has been in our minds here in Utah. On July 27th, a man went missing. He was a husband, a new father, and a son. What was interesting and notable about this was that his disappearance was surrounded by thousands of interested spectators and commentators. People came out of the woodwork to give their opinions as to why he was missing, what the family's role in his disappearance was, and who was to blame for his disappearance. As it so happened, the wife of this man happens to be a well-known blogger named Ashlee.
Well, the hate and rhetoric that was spewed out during the 18 day ordeal before they found him yesterday was...well, it was pretty unprecedented, calling her a phony, a fraud, and calling out false sightings of him with another girl, and everything imaginable. 

No, he wasn't perfect, no one is, and they had been through some really tough times during their marriage, including infertility and some other things that Ashlee had alluded to in at least one post, possibly two. But her strength and vulnerability were both bravely shared with any who wanted to follow along. She was authentic and a role model for those of us who wanted to use her as such. After all, in this world of Facebook and Instagram perfection, it was a little disconcerting to see someone's authenticity exposed so freely. Yet there it was. 

And when he disappeared, there were so many supporters and the haters, of course, wanted to tag along too. The story is still new, knowing only that his body was found in bad condition, floating in Mill Creek, found by employees of a business in the area.  We will probably never know what caused his death, now only suspected as suicide. What combination of events made him lose it? Or was it one single thing that he couldn't shake? 

Life today is so complex and sometimes it can really throw you. It necessitates being able to step back, and simplify the world as you know it, and prioritize what is most important and stick to it! 
My thoughts and prayers go out to Ashley and Paul, their love, family, and their new baby girl who will never have a chance to know her daddy except through others' memories. As I reflect on this tragedy and try to learn something from it, I will again refocus my own priorities and concentrate on simplifying my life. I won't feel guilty about it either. If my summer consists of staycations all summer long, I will feel happy because staying home is something I love. If I don't craft up my home on any given holiday, I will feel gratitude that I have eyes to admire the creations of others who have been able to do so. If I am not known as the one who reaches out to every single person I know in every social situation, then I will appreciate them in my thoughts and love them from afar and will do as much as I can, when I can. And I will keep those who matter close, oh so close!
 Today is "My Post Monday!" It's all about original content from bloggers who care to share what is on their minds--from Crafts to Camping, Wellness to Wealth, Fashion to Food, and whatever else is on the brain!  I  open up with a post of my own and then follow it up with a linky of the week's top original blog posts! It's all about what the writer thinks, believes, and knows--in other words, they are active, writing blogs. If I happen to find a great original, non-sponsored post, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MyPostMonday hashtag!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! (Affiliate links welcome!)