Monday, February 8, 2016

Cheerfulness + #MyPostMonday

If I were more cheerful in the morning, I'm sure my days would be better. It seems that members of my household have different periods of the day where we have better outlooks than other times. Speaking of myself, I am not a morning person, I need a chance to wake up and get moving. That's not the case for my husband. As a matter of fact, if I want to approach him when he's in a good mood, I should do it in the morning, when he first wakes up! Sometimes it's just annoying to see him so cheery. I just can't match his perpetual good mood. I feel sorry about it, because he seems so disheartened when I can't come up to his level. I remind him, though, that if he leaves me alone for a moment, I can generally come closer to his level as the morning progresses.

I have two friends who work together. One of them can't stomach the other one. The reason is because my other friend is too cheerful. What a reason to dislike someone! But people who are cheerful, really do tend to bother more morose individuals.

But who is to blame? The cheerful person or the grump? Let's get this straight. The cheerful person is going to be happier overall AND healthier every time! The sooner us grumps realize that, the better off we'll be. 

Basically, I need to start coming up to the mark and becoming more cheerful in the morning. Sometimes I think we make an excuse to be grumpy when things aren't perfect. That isn't the case.  One of the measures of living greatly is facing disappointment with cheerfulness. That means that if your Super Bowl team lost, you still need to be cheerful! No more doom and gloom, Panther fan!

Let's address the elephant in the room and stop making excuses for the grumps in the world. Cheerfulness is where it's at. Being an Eeyore isn't cute like on Winnie the Pooh, it's something to learn to get over. That being said, I now have to practice what I preach tomorrow morning as I get along on way less sleep than what I wanted!!
Image - Raeda Bawadi

Today is "My Post Monday!" It's all about original content from bloggers who care to share what is on their minds--from Crafts to Camping, Wellness to Wealth, Fashion to Food, and whatever else is on the brain!  I, for one, love to explore other sites for original, non-sponsored posts, tips, pictures and videos! Sponsored posts are great and I appreciate the information from well-written and authentic sponsored posts, I write them myself! But this linky is for non-sponsored posts because they are all about what the writer thinks, believes, and knows. It's not about a specific brand and what it compensates the blogger to promote! If I happen to find a great original, non-sponsored post, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MyPostMonday hashtag!  It's like being featured!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! Remember, any link to your posts helps your blog numbers increase! (Affiliate links OK) 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Facts About Heart Disease In Women

Yesterday was National Heart Awareness Day For Women or #GoRed sponsored by the National Heart Association! All day we saw women and men dressed in red! What a great excuse to #GoRed for such a great cause! It is a very important thing to be aware of, since 1 in 3 women die of heart disease or stroke and it is 80% preventable.

Since that is such a staggering figure, one needs to ask why has it been so hard to prevent thus far? One of the major things that has emerged, thanks to some very influential women, is that women are different than men, therefore studies need to be done on women for women, instead of the opposite. Previous to this, men had been the majority of test subjects for heart disease for women.
For example, the 1982 Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial, one of the first to establish a link between cholesterol and heart disease, involved 12,866 men and no women; the 1995 Physicians’ Health Study, which found aspirin to reduce the risk of heart attack, involved 22,071 men and, again, no women.
This has slowly begun to change thanks to strong and influential advocates like Barbara Streisand, who came out strongly about the above discrepancy and has been a major player and advocate in the women & heart disease discussion. The Barbara Streisand Women's Heart Center is playing a leading role in identifying female pattern heart disease, developing new diagnostic tools, and advancing specialized care for women. It's director, C. Noel Bairey Mertz, MD states, "We are just at the beginning of understanding the difference between the sexes when it comes to heart disease."
We do know that symptoms for heart attacks in women include the following:
1. Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain in the center of the chest. It lasts more than a few minutes, or goes away and then comes back.
2. Shortness of breath, with or without chest discomfort.
3. Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach.
4. Other signs such as breaking out into a cold sweat, nausea, or lightheadedness.
5. As with men, a woman's most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. But women are more likely than men to experience some of the other more common symptoms such as shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain.

Do these symptoms smack of other common diagnosis'? Actually, they do. What about an anxiety attack? The flu? Very similar symptoms occur with those. But I would say err on the side of caution. If you are experiencing at least 2 of these symptoms, you need to be alert to the implications and see a doctor as soon as possible.

If you would like to learn more about this too silent of a killer, there are excellent books now being published on the subject that include prevention strategies, as well as early detection methods. I hope that by writing this non-sponsored post, that I will help just one woman live the life she was meant to live and not leave us prematurely!

I received no compensation to write this post. Affiliate links may be used to help support this site. All opinions are 100% my own and are not swayed by sponsor affiliation!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Courage In The Face Of Challenge + #MyPostMonday

I love a good movie. I love an inspiring movie. What makes a movie good? I think that for most people, there needs to be a main character that has an element of courage in the face of danger or hard times. It is the possession of a certain rare quality that most of us don't have--courage, that makes a character in a movie worth watching. I've realized that I am a history buff and a reality show fan. I don't have the time to watch many shows at any given time, so I do try to choose things that are more worthwhile, or really funny! The most recent historical docudrama I watched was 'Joan Of Arc'. I wanted to watch the beautifully done show because I had heard the main points about her--that she was a young French woman who led an army in defense of her country, but was later killed. I really didn't know much more. After watching the docudrama, I am in awe of her. She most certainly saved the country of France! Without her, we wouldn't have France as we know it. We'd have another British country. Joan had to single-handedly convince the reluctant heir to the throne to make a very hard march through British invaded territory to Reims for his coronation. She inspired the soldiers to be better soldiers and men. They won battles that weren't theirs to win. Alas, when she had accomplished her mission she was handed over to a pro-British Bishop who succeeded in burning her at the stake at only 19 years of age. As she burned, she was heard to cry out to Jesus to save her. She was dignified until the end. I can't even imagine doing anything like that. I think of her when I get into a very hot shower and am shocked by the hot water pouring over me. I have the luxury of turning down the heat. She didn't. You can see the full story here.

Joan of Arc teaches me that one of the elements needed to live a truly great life is courage, something I'm still working on and I'll wager many of us are! 
Image by Jolie Gordon
Today is "My Post Monday!" It's all about original content from bloggers who care to share what is on their minds--from Crafts to Camping, Wellness to Wealth, Fashion to Food, and whatever else is on the brain!  I, for one, love to explore other sites for original, non-sponsored posts, tips, pictures and videos! Sponsored posts are great and I appreciate the information from well-written and authentic sponsored posts, I write them myself! But this linky is for non-sponsored posts because they are all about what the writer thinks, believes, and knows. It's not about a specific brand and what it compensates the blogger to promote! If I happen to find a great original, non-sponsored post, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MyPostMonday hashtag!  It's like being featured!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! Remember, any link to your posts helps your blog numbers increase! (Affiliate links OK) 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Gelato At CrEATe in Sandy #Utah

CrEATe is the most amazing dessert stop I've been to in a very long time! Located off Quarry Bend Drive across from Walmart Super Center in Sandy, this is a non-franchise, family-owned shop, where the owners take great pride in everything from the ingredients to the atmosphere! It is a design-your-own dessert bar where you choose from their delicious basic desserts and then add one or some of their many glazes, toppings or fillings. Their basic desserts include but are not limited to: donuts, cronuts, crepes, gelato, and cookies!

Decor: The decor is definitely a treat! Cozy little corners with plenty of cushions allow one to admire the steam punk vibe of the establishment. 

 Gelato: If you've never tasted fresh, homemade, whole ingredient gelato, you haven't lived! Made fresh and on-site, I would wager to say there isn't any better gelato in the area. I know I haven't tasted anything this good! The gelato is heavenly and add-ins are included in the very reasonable price. There are easily 12 - 16 freshly made flavors at any time. Fresh Mango, Pistachio, Carmel, Chocolate, Berry, etc. These are heavenly tasting! And they are all gluten-free, which to me, is an added bonus! Made with milk instead of cream, gelato is less fattening than ice-cream. Again let me emphasize, the ingredients are whole and non-artificial. Have you ever tasted pistachio gelato with real pistachio? It's to die for!
Drinking Chocolate: There is hot chocolate and then there is drinking chocolate. They have a chocolate drink made with real Belgium chocolate and you just can't call it hot chocolate because of the richness and goodness of the drink! I fell in love with it!
Pastries: Choose from freshly made donuts, cronuts, cookies, crepes, waffle cones, and more. They are delicious and the things you can create are just limited by your own imagination! They also sell their donuts and pastries by the dozen for office parties and other occasions.
If you are unsure of what exactly to create, the staff is very helpful and friendly and will help you make something just right for you! Whether you're out for a fun evening, want a quiet nook to work and have a snack, or want to taste some amazing desserts for a very reasonable price, try CrEATe. Check out my Instagram for a special offer to CrEATe!
Located on 9305 South Village Shop Drive in Sandy, UT (801-790-2738

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Hair Extensions From Irresistible Me! #ValentinesSale + #DiscountCode

There is nothing like feeling you have gorgeous, thick, hair. It's been awhile since I've really felt like that. Over time, the texture and thickness of my hair has changed. It's not that I'm going bald or anything, but the luxurious thickness and manageability I used to have are just not there...until the other day when I experimented with 'Irresistible Me' hair extensions.
Before then, I thought that hair extensions were just for younger gals, who want to have really long hair and look glamorous. I certainly am not into looking like a cover model, or attracting any unwanted attention, or look like I'm trying to be something I'm not, or just plain trying too hard! I dismissed hair extensions as something completely out of my comfort zone.
But since I am a review blogger, duty called! I ordered the Royal Remy 17" extensions, a conservative length, in light brown. They came within a few days of my order but it took me awhile to get the motivation to try them on. I was fascinated when I opened the box!

An actual box of beautiful Remy 100% human hair! It was gorgeous, shiny and in perfect condition. It actually came boxed in sealed foil packages and within those, several pieces with attached hair clips wrapped in netting. I first opened the package that had just one strand of hair, to make sure it was a good match for my hair. (If you open the whole box before you try the test strand, the return guarantee is void) It was a good match and so I opened the rest of the package.
Being extremely naive about the whole process, I experimented with it myself. I didn't realize, at the time, that it was clip-in. I tried to put it in by just wedging in a few of the strands--like a comb (there are little teeth, albeit tiny!). It actually did work but it wasn't comfortable and I felt it was going to fall out. But I wore it out and about to a couple of things. I'm just glad it didn't fall out right then and there on the spot. I really need to start reading the directions on things.

But even with the embarrassing faux pas, I loved the look of the hair and knew I wanted to incorporate it into my routine, especially for special occasions. Here are some before and after pictures of me wearing the extensions without even clipping them in. (I'm such a dweeb!)
No extensions - See the gaps?

A couple misapplied strands did fill in gaps
I decided to go to my local Fantastic Sam's in Sandy, UT (see address below) and get them to help me put them in and apply them a little more securely. It was while there that I realized they are clip-in! So much easier and comfortable! I want to thank Baily, who did an amazing job in about 20 minutes time! Of course you don't need a hairstylist to style your own 'Irresistible Me' hair extensions. It's just nice!

What I love about these extensions or pieces of hair is that they blend in so well to my overall hairstyle. I didn't need to cut them for my purposes! It is a real boost to my overall look! My husband says it makes me look 10 years younger. What do you think?
Before Irresistible Me!

Curled and Coifed

Hair for days! Thanks Irresistible Me!
 And right now, we're in the middle of a pretty awesome sale! Their Valentine's Day Sale is up to 50% off on items. Personally, I love their pony tail extensions! Next on my list for sure! And for a limited time, get an additional 10% off, using this promotional code at check-out: IrresistibleHelena What an amazing deal that will be--Up to 60% off! 

For more information & tips, check out Irresistible Me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and G+

This site accepts product samples and/or compensation. Affiliate links may be used to support this site. All text and opinions are 100% my own and are not swayed by any sponsor affiliation.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Memories Of A Distant Time And Place + #MyPostMonday

We have just completed the 2nd episode of Season 6 of 'Downton Abbey'. I am a late-comer to the show, having become enthralled in the middle of Season 4! It wasn't hard for me to totally become immersed, without having to binge-watch! One day I will thoroughly enjoy Seasons 1 - 3, when everyone else is mourning the end of the series! 
I believe that one of the many reasons that the series has proved to be the undisputed most popular show in PBS history, is because of Maggie Smith. She brought Professor Minerva McGonagall to life in 'Harry Potter' and when viewers heard that she would be playing in the new series,' Downton Abbey', interest was piqued and people tuned in for a peek. However, if viewers initially tuned in for Maggie, they stayed because of the gorgeous setting, the fascinating actors, the compelling time period, beautiful fashions, and the mesmerizing story-line. 

Three of my favorite characters in Downton Abbey are: 

Tom Branson
Tom represents the best of the up-and-coming middle class at the tail-end of the declining Edwardian Period. Married to Sybil, the daughter of Lord and Lady Grantham, he moved from the servant ranks to the main floors. And when his beloved Sybil dies in childbirth, he is still an integral part of the family, even while struggling with his own progressive philosophies, which differ from the traditional Edwardian traditions of the Granthams. Quote: "I think you forget that my wife was one of them. My child is one of them...I would like things to change, but I don't think in black and white terms anymore." 

Lady Mary
Also widowed and having been married to one of the "commoners"  on the estate grounds, she is very independent, intelligent, beautiful, and headstrong. It makes for some very interesting and fun adventures. One can't watch the show and not be aware of her. Love her or hate her, she is a force to be reckoned with. Quote: "I'll do it. I don't mind lying."

Lady Violet
Played by the illustrious Maggie Smith, Violet is the family matriarch and clings to the old Edwardian ways--where one remains in the class they were born into and the nobility has a job to show the lower class the proper moral character and how to behave with civility, all while enjoying excess to the extreme. Her quips are so sharp and illustrative of the time. Amazing! Quote: "I blame the war. Before 1914, nobody thought about anything at all."

Of course there are many more characters I have grown to know and love. Who cannot love the couples who live downstairs? Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes, who we just saw married after the slowest burning romance in television history! And Mr. and Mrs. Bates, who have seen some really hard times, but who may be expecting their first child!
 If there was one reason I am drawn to 'Downton Abbey', it would be that it transports us to a time and place that is more gentle and civilized than today's world. Yet one can see that basically, people are always the same. They have the same emotions, dreams, and goals for their lives. The search for love and then hanging on to it is ever paramount---just like it is today!
Today is "My Post Monday!" It's all about original content from bloggers who care to share what is on their minds--from Crafts to Camping, Wellness to Wealth, Fashion to Food, and whatever else is on the brain!  I, for one, love to explore other sites for original, non-sponsored posts, tips, pictures and videos! Sponsored posts are great and I appreciate the information from well-written and authentic sponsored posts, I write them myself! But this linky is for non-sponsored posts because they are all about what the writer thinks, believes, and knows. It's not about a specific brand and what it compensates the blogger to promote! If I happen to find a great original, non-sponsored post, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MyPostMonday hashtag!  It's like being featured!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! Remember, any link to your posts helps your blog numbers increase! (Affiliate links OK)  

Saturday, January 23, 2016

DIY Flour Sack Dish Towels For #ValentinesDay

There are some really beautiful prints, vintage or otherwise, for Valentine's Day at the craft stores! We loved the vintage print below! What to do with this deliciousness, besides pair it with the vintage teacup setting? Well, there IS a flour sack towel just sitting there....maybe we could do something with that too! It's a great time to do crafts with the cold and snowy weather in full swing. My sister-in-law, Alicia, and I got together for this project. Alicia is my go-to gal for creativity and craft know-how. As a matter of fact we want to do a craft here on the blog once a month. Stay tuned for more easy and fun ideas! 

If you have just 2 items, you can make these beautiful Valentine's Day Tea Towels for your kitchen!  It does help to have a sewing machine, but not absolutely necessary, if you have patience to stitch the lengths of fabric onto the towel. These towels will brighten things up and maybe even get the  menfolk in the mood for V-Day! They make great gifts too!

Item #1 - Get a beautiful piece of Valentine's fabric like this heart and flower pattern! I got one yard of material and had enough for 10 towels.
 or this vintage print!

Item #2 - A Pack of Flour Sack Towels, non-commercial grade.

 Cut the fabric into strips, approximately 5" wide and 21" long. (You don't have to make the fabric strip the complete length of the towel.) Sew the strip to the bottom of the towel. Since the towels are meant to look shabby/chic, no need to hem them. Some eventual fraying will contribute to the overall look.
 I was so happy with the results of these simple yet beautiful decorative Valentine's Day towels!

This is a non-sponsored post. This site accepts product samples and/or compensation.Affiliate links may be used to support this site. All text and opinion are 100% my own and are not swayed by any sponsor affiliation.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Money Back From Money Already Spent - Paribus

Does it drive you crazy when you buy something online and then you find out that it went on sale for less? What about that sweet coupon or discount code that you didn't get? What if there was actually a better deal and you didn't know about it? Do you find yourself checking back at the same store you bought your item to see whether or not the price has dropped? And if it has, do you say oh well, too much hassle, I'll do better next time. Or do you go back to the store, receipt/coupon in hand, ready to throw down if you don't receive the sale price? I love this refund program - Paribus. It eliminates all of that worry and hassle!

Stores guarantee that you get money back if prices fall. But the catch is you have to ask for it and know when to do so. My life is busy enough without trying to stay up on every price drop the stores I shopped at are doing. That's the beautiful thing. Paribus will do it for me! For free! Watch this fun video to get the picture.
If you're an online shopper this is the best service ever! They are still quite new so they are working with more and more merchants. Here are some stores that they already work with--Target,, Walmart, Staples, Gap, Old Navy, JCrew,, Zappos, Macy's, Bloomingdales, Nordstrom, Banana Republic, Athleta and Piperlime! Just sign up with your e-mail and let Paribus do the rest. If you shop a lot online, you'll save a lot online! They do retain a 25% commission from money they obtain for you, but you're getting 75% of free money, so it's better than 100% of no money!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Taking The First Step + #MyPostMonday Link-Up

If there were more people who held to the standards and values that Martin Luther King, Jr. did, we would be a better nation and world! It amazes me how many truly great people, who buck the trends of society by showing others a better way, have paid for it with their lives. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted change and he led a force of people who also wanted change. But he was the calming influence in a maelstrom of violent resistance on both sides of the aisle. It was a coward full of hatred who pulled the trigger on April 4, 1968. Knowing that he was hated, he could have given up and joined the rest of the haters, reciprocating with similar gestures. But, as he simply yet eloquently said, "I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." That is why he has been eulogized and epitomized to this day and beyond. We have a lot to learn from the life of this great Christian man. 
 I love so many of his sayings, but if I had to choose a favorite it would be, "Faith is taking the first step even if you don't see the whole staircase." It shows me that he did, in fact, have a great understanding of faith. To me, faith isn't a noun. It is a verb, an act, a state of moving forward even though you can't necessarily see anything ahead of you, other than the first step and then the next step. 
 It's a good thing to have faith in something or someone that will, in the end, produce good results. Martin Luther King had faith in the Bible. He was a student of the Bible and he believed the teachings of Jesus Christ, for instance, when He said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." I believe he used the Bible as his blueprint for causing change. And then he acted out of faith through his whole crusade. He is a great example to me and today I stop for a moment to remember him and pay my respect.
Image - Cole Gleave

Today is "My Post Monday!" It's all about original content from bloggers who care to share what is on their minds--from Crafts to Camping, Wellness to Wealth, Fashion to Food, and whatever else is on the brain!  I, for one, love to explore other sites for original, non-sponsored posts, tips, pictures and videos! Sponsored posts are great and I appreciate the information from well-written and authentic sponsored posts, I write them myself! But this linky is for non-sponsored posts because they are all about what the writer thinks, believes, and knows. It's not about a specific brand and what it compensates the blogger to promote! If I happen to find a great original, non-sponsored post, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MyPostMonday hashtag!  It's like being featured!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! Remember, any link to your posts helps your blog numbers increase! (Affiliate links OK)  

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Awareness of The Adult Bully Factor

Too many people believe 'bullying' is a concept only reserved for kids, or situations that happen in schools. What about 'bullying' for adults? Can adults actually become bullies? No way! After all, they are supposed to be mature, and set good examples for children! 

If it is indeed true, then what actually is an adult bully?

   Bullying incidents are events repeated over time. For many adults, this occurs at work, social events, or even at home, thus becoming habitual. Bullying involves a victim being distressed by an abuser. Whenever someone displays visual/verbal signs that they are feeling hurt, the bully continues to engage in this behavior because they derive a sense of satisfaction (power) from it.  They may continually upset someone at work with their comments, mannerisms, racial/sexist/religious jokes, or they know they can intimidate their victim.

          There is always an imbalance of power whereby one adult is more powerful than the other--this can occur physically, mentally/ intellectually, or emotionally. They may hold a greater position of power in the workplace, or their homes. There is an intent to harm by the bully. They knowingly and maliciously decide to attack another adult who is helpless and unable to defend them self. Usually attacks are premeditated, and can be either verbal or non-verbal in nature. 
 Too many adults are quick to dismiss "one event" as being an isolated incident, which may be the case. The problems begin when that one event is a precursor to subsequent bullying. When bullying and abuse are tolerated instead of a 'zero tolerance' mentality, the abuse will most likely escalate!

          I wonder how many parents/adults allow bullying to happen in the lives of children by proxy, believing it will just go away in their own lives? What are children to make of this, "Just ignore it and it will go away!" mindset?  Has this approach work for adults? Children observe and model how adults behave. I love to use the baseball analogy, 'today's catchers are tomorrow's pitchers' when it comes to bullying. What kids are mentally and physically taking in today, will be projected outwards tomorrow... BULLYING!

Peter Sacco is a recipient of the Award of Excellence in Teaching, lecturing at universities both in the US and Canada. A bestselling author, psychology professor and former private practitioner, Peter has also written over 700 articles in media/magazines as well as several book reviews for Prentice-Hall Publishing.
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