Monday, October 5, 2015

To Be Happy Over Being Right + #MotivatingMonday Link-Up!

Photo by: Jennifer Peterson

The state of being seen as right is something that many people pursue relentlessly. It doesn’t matter what other points of view or proof is brought up, the need to be right supersedes everything. Most people aren’t really aware that they are choosing between two values—being right or being happy. These two ideals are present in most of life’s key situations. If you are unconscious of it, the powerful ego usually will do the choosing for you.

“Nothing is more deadly to happiness than the pursuit of being right ... which is to say, being seen as right. For personal proof of this, consider the people you know who are most insistent on their politics, their patterns, their viewpoint, their way… they tend to judge the most, insult the most, complain the most, and suffer the most. They reek of misery. This is often also reflected in their physical health.” 

The closer to home the situation is, the less likely most people will recognize or remember the choice between these two values of being right or being happy. Ironically, the more intimate the situation, the more damaging the wrong choice is. It is very seldom that in a close situation that being right is paramount, or more important than a person to be loved.

I’ve found when I back off, even when I am dead sure that I’m right, when in the heat of a discussion, it can possibly save a week of bad feelings in my marriage, rescue a relationship, or maintain a reputation.

Does it mean that you let go of your morals, beliefs, and principals to give in to someone else’s stronger or more insistent opinion or belief? Absolutely not. But when there is not a huge reason to die on the hill, why not just let it go? It can actually save yourself from stress-related illnesses, if you let your ego take second place to your sense of deference for the sake of peace!
Challenge: Next time you find yourself in a difference of opinion with someone, ask yourself, "Is it worth raising the stress level right now to prove that I'm right?" If you find that it isn't, find a peaceful way to resolve it as quickly as possible and congratulate yourself for choosing the happy route!
Today is Motivating Monday!  We all need a little motivation!  I, for one, love to explore other sites for motivating, non-sponsored posts, tips, pictures and videos!  If I happen to find a great one, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MotivatingMonday hashtag!  It's like being featured!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! Remember, any link to your posts helps your blog numbers increase!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Getting Rid Of The Monster

 It's the beginning of the big 3--Halloween,Thanksgiving and Christmas!  Right now, ghosts, goblins and spooks are restless to get out! And since we're in Halloween mode, I thought I might talk about something very much in keeping with the season, but a lot more serious. It's about that monster that lurks on the nightstand, in the medicine cabinet and in your purse to take you down. It's very much an epidemic in the U.S. and it's called opioid addiction. With two million Americans living with prescription opioid abuse or dependence, the latest statistics say that 46 Americans die each day from prescription opioid overdose. If you're not creeped out yet, watch the video below!

I can speak from experience because someone I know is entrapped by addiction to pain medication and doesn't want to admit it. The addiction occurred because of 2 back-to-back injuries. This person  suffers all or many of the symptoms of classic opiate withdrawal like----
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Yawning
  • Muscle Aches and Pains
  • Abdominal Cramping
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Vertigo
 But this person won't admit he has an addiction problem. Instead, multiple doctors are consulted because of his on-going symptoms, tests are taken, days of work are missed. After awhile, my friend gets tired of the constant pain and symptoms, and falls back onto what gives some sense of temporary relief--opiate pain killers. Then the cycle starts all over again.

I know about the denial because I approached him about it, and he flatly refused to consider it. He takes pride in saying he has outsmarted the pills and knows when to quit and how much to take. His doctor finally put limitations on him, but probably too late. Now he has acquired a cache of medications that he uses when he feels "sick". Deep down, I know this person is a fine human being. But when he is suffering from opiate withdrawal, he is a horrible person to be around. His irritability is irrational. He becomes a bully. He can't make rational decisions and he destroys relationships because of it. He blames others instead of himself. Another thing that I see is that he is extremely paranoid about people and his good-will is buried underneath the monster of his addiction.

Total recovery from opiate addiction usually takes 2 full years. During this time, the symptoms tend to alleviate for awhile and then they surge back to their original, painful state. The good periods gradually become longer and longer, but each withdrawal period is extremely troublesome and the danger of relapse is very real and present. Many people experience severe depression because they do relapse. But they need to know that they should keep trying. So many people give up right before they reach success.

The first step to overcome addiction, obviously, is to recognize it for what it is and admit it. Some people go all the way to the grave before they will admit what is obvious to everyone else around them. Take this easy test and if you answer yes to 3 of the questions, you are addicted to opiates.
  • Has your use of opiates increased over time?
  • Do you experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop using?
  • Do you use more than you would like, or more than is prescribed?
  • Have you experienced negative consequences to your using?
  • Have you put off doing things because of your drug use?
  • Do you find yourself thinking obsessively about getting or using your drug?
  • Have you made unsuccessful attempts at cutting down your drug use?
The second step is to get professional help. This is an almost insurmountable thing to conquer on your own. 

The third step is to utlilize opiate withdrawal medications that are designed to take away or greatly lessen the torturous symptoms of withdrawal. One of the most successful of these medications is Elimidrol.
It can be purchased without a prescription and has been scientifically formulated to be the #1 opiate withdrawal supplement! 
The fourth step is to get into a support group that will walk you through even more steps to get you on the road to recovery! One excellent group is the Addiction Recovery Program by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is a 12-step program that uses your faith in God to help you get through the hard process. 

If you know someone who is struggling with this problem, try to get them to understand that it isn't them, it's the monster of addiction that has them hooked. There is hope for recovery and relief from these symptoms. Hopefully, they will get help and know that they will only be stronger for doing so!


Monday, September 28, 2015

Never Before Done + #MotivatingMonday Link-Up

We made an event out of viewing the lunar eclipse. We went to a park where a lot of other people were out with telescopes, high-powered cameras and lawn chairs. It was so fun to predict the exact spot where the moon would first appear over the mountains. As eerie as some of the pictures are of this rare, once-in-a-lifetime occurance, it is also motivating! 
To be able to achieve this phenomena, the earth, sun and moon needed to be perfectly lined up, with the earth blocking the sun's reflection on the moon. The earth keeps rotating and orbiting, the moon keeps orbiting, and finally it happens, a celestial event for the ages!

Photo by Dennis Dunn
We continue doing the same things that we do every single day--eating, sleeping, working, etc. But when opportunities come our way, let's seize the day! And with that may come a result that is spectacular and never before done! Listen to your inner voice, attract good things with your positivity, visualize what can be, and surely it will come! The result will be spectacular and it will be an achievement of a lifetime!

Today is Motivating Monday!  We all need a little motivation!  I, for one, love to explore other sites for motivating, mostly non-sponsored posts, tips, pictures and videos!  If I happen to find a great one, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MotivatingMonday hashtag!  It's like being featured!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! Don't be shy--I'm really very supportive!  Remember, any link to your posts helps your blog numbers increase!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

#UpliftFamiles Re-Cap, Website, and Resources

Last Saturday night, we attended the Uplift Families Event, and it was awesome!
 We started out by having an excellent meal. It was outdoors and the weather was perfect (maybe just a bit windy)! I loved the cute and easy centerpieces that were on the tables!
 The speakers were varied and entertaining. There were 6 wonderful speakers in all, including Utah's First Lady Jeanette Herbert. My personal favorite speaker was Brad Barton, who motivated me with his encouragement to do something amazing, despite difficulties, which he emulates perfectly, being the current Master's Track and Field Record Holder! Basically his premise was, "The problem is not having problems!"
The entertainment was excellent! I love Joshua Creek's sound!
I came away with an evening to remember and something valuable to refer back to---an amazing, on-going resource site to turn the job of parenting into the joy of parenting! is full of T.I.P.S. (Teaching Important Parenting Skills). On the site you can hear speakers from previous Uplift Families Conference's, plus the current ones will soon be there as well. 
Again, I so much enjoyed this year's event. It was so well-done and despite being sold out, had the feel of a small, friendly, get-together! The speakers were excellent, the food delicious, entertainment wonderful! Thanks again to all those involved to make it the great event it was! 
If you are experiencing a current low with some aspect of parenting, being a parent, or maintaining your sanity while being a parent, I would encourage you to check out the above site and I promise you'll find something to uplift you!

Achievement Amidst Adversity + #MotivatingMonday Link-Up

John James Audubon is the world famous advocate and promoter of bird life. He is credited with discovering several new species of American birds. His drawing books are in rare museum collections around the U.S. His depictions of avian life are the standard for all other bird images. I saw one of his books at an exhibit and was blown away by the detail and life-like look of his drawings. 
 But it wasn't always such great success for him. In fact, most of his life was fraught with financial troubles, and disasters. After years of work, he enlisted the help of a good friend to keep some 200 of his best drawings--those that he planned on putting into a larger, comprehensive collection. When he returned for his drawings, he was horrified to discover that a rat had chewed into the chest where they were stored and had eaten through all of the drawings. It was a huge loss and he contemplated giving up. But he took some time to re-group, recover, and think about why he did what he did, and what he might do to maybe make even better drawings. Thankfully, he decided to start over and because of that, he was rewarded with recognition and fame all over the world. And we are gifted with some of the most beautiful drawings of birds we may never see ourselves in real life, but have the next best thing, drawings by John James Audubon.

This past weekend I attended the Uplift Families Conference, all about what it is that we, as parents, can do to give our kids the best tools to make them incredibly successful and happy human beings. My favorite speaker was Brad Barton, a motivational speaker who practices what he preaches. He does these cool magic tricks to illustrate some of his key points! He spoke about his struggles at trying to do something extraordinary, since he talks about how it's within all of our reach to do so. He had just missed making the 1992 Olympic Team in the steeplechase because of a fall, and even though he had been retired for 16 years and was considered "old" (that stereotype makes me mad), he trained and pushed forward with a new goal. Breaking his ankle in the process of his training, but finally in 2014 he ran the fastest sub 4:20 mile that anyone his age or older has ever done--4:17:54! Not to mention that he would have beat 90% of athletes 27 years his junior.  He says, "I preach the doctrine of getting better. Let's do something hard--get on the learning curve. The happiest times of our lives are our most challenging times. Then we settle into an easier, comfortable life, but we need those challenges." 

These examples make me want to kick it up a notch and find more pinnacles to climb, more personal bests to attain. It's hard, because fall is coming and that hot chocolate and Jimmy Fallon in the evenings are calling quite loudly! We'll see how it goes!
Today is Motivating Monday!  We all need a little motivation!  I, for one, love to explore other sites for motivating, mostly non-sponsored posts, tips, pictures and videos!  If I happen to find a great one, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MotivatingMonday hashtag!  It's like being featured!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! Don't be shy--I'm really very supportive!  Remember, any link to your posts helps your blog numbers increase! 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fall Healthy Snack #Giveaway [$60 ARV]

Welcome to the Fall Healthy Snack Giveaway featuring the Gluten Free Bar! Even if you aren't the least bit gluten-sensitive, these bars will pass the taste test because they are so delicious. With flavors like Cranberry Toasted Almond, Coconut Cashew Crunch, Dark Chocolate Coconut, or PB&J,  you'll definitely be able to find a flavor that you love! In addition to being gluten-free, these bars and bites are also:
  • High in protein from brown rice and healthful peas
  • Vegan
  • Soy-Free
  • Non-GMO
  • Dairy-Free
  • All Natural
  • Casein Free
  • Low Sodium
  • No Trans Fat
  • Cholesterol Free
  • Wheat Free
  • Contains Omega 3 from Flax
  • Good Source Of Fiber 
  • 100% guaranteed
As you can imagine, with such wholesome ingredients, you are sure to be full and stay full until your next meal!

Based in Grand Rapids, MI, the Gluten Free Bar Company was founded by two Celiac brothers, Elliot and Marshall Radar. The company produces its own bars, crafts its own flavors, and picks ingredients based on their production schedule and demand. This hands-on process makes their ingredients fresher and brings a level of dedication to their products that can be tasted in every bite! Connect with the brand on Twitter and Facebook!
DISCOUNT CODE: the Gluten Free Bar would love you to try them out. If you aren't 100% satisfied, they will return your money. For 15% off your purchase, use AGALNEEDSGFB at check-out through October 3rd!

GIVEAWAY: One winner will receive a $60 Prize Package of Gluten Free Bars and Bites! Open to U.S. only, age 21+, and one entrant per household. All entries are optional! Remember the more entries you complete, the better your chances are for winning!

Thanks to the great bloggers who are participating in this giveaway! Please consider liking all participating bloggers on Facebook. They worked hard to bring you this giveaway and others like it! Don't miss out on any future events! Sponsor is responsible for delivery of prizes, not participating bloggers. This blog received no compensation for the facilitation of this giveaway. Enter the giveawy in the Rafflecopter below! Giveaway runs from 9/15/15 - 10/03/15. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

the Gluten Free Bar + #DiscountCode

When you think of a healthy snack, what do you think of? Raw fruits and veggies? A Smoothie? A bar of some kind? It may depend on where you are, what you are doing, and how long before your next meal! To be satisfying, a snack should have some protein in it! If you are looking for a convenient, satisfying, and wholesome snack, please look at the Gluten Free Bar! It is the most tasty gluten free bar on the market. It comes in many flavors and in a smaller Bite size.

When I was given the chance to try these meals in a bar, I was really impressed. Having recently been diagnosed as "gluten sensitive", I really dreaded trying to eliminate or cut down on some of the foods that I've grown up loving, like popcorn, bread, cereal, (sniff, sniff) cakes, cookies, pies, (sob) and pizza (now we're doing the ugly cry). But these bars have given me a brighter hope. With 10 yummy flavors such as peanut butter, dark chocolate coconut, coconut cashew crunch, and chocolate hazelnut, I think I can safely cut down on the glucose without having to feel deprived. That's really good news for me! Plus, they're less than 300 calories!

In addition to the taste treat, the Gluten Free Bar really packs a nutritional punch! They are made with all natural ingredients like flax, organic plant proteins, organic dates, nuts, seeds, chocolate liquor! They are non-GMO, non-Soy, and much, much more!

Reasons To Pack the Gluten Free Bar:

  • You won't be eating a meal for awhile and need something nutritious to maintain your glucose levels.
  • You want something in between meals to kill hunger pangs
  • You want a snack that is healthy
  • You are doing a prolonged sport where you need to have steady energy supplies
  • You need something easy and convenient when your schedule is busy
Last weekend my husband and I took a hike to a beautiful lake in Little Cottonwood Canyon. It said 'moderate hike' on the description, but I feel like it was really hard! Hoisting yourself up rocks for a mile isn't my idea of moderate! By the time we were finished, it had been a 6 hour trek. We each took a sandwich, water, and a Gluten Free Bar. We ate the sandwich at the lake, and the bar on the trail down. It was perfect! The bars were so filling and provided the energy needed to make the whole trip.
 I am a believer in these little nutritional powerhouses and plan on incorporating them into my life! 

DISCOUNT CODE: the Gluten Free Bar would love for you to try them out. If you aren't 100% satisfied, they will return your money. For 15% off your purchase, use AGALNEEDSGFB at check-out through October 3rd!

Disclosure: I received product in order to facilitate an honest and fair review. All opinions are my own

Monday, September 14, 2015

Friendship + #MotivatingMonday Link-Up

I was reading the paper the other day, something I occasionally do since they provide our school free daily newspapers, and I ran across an article about friendship. It caught my eye because I have recently been thinking about the friends that I have and evaluating what kind of friend I have been over the years. I am sad to say that some friendships that I should have nurtured and kept up with, I let go.  I moved out of an area I'd lived in for 10+ years, right about the time when I should have been nurturing friendships that would last over my lifetime. According to the article I read, studies show that the 20's are the time to define what you want in a friendship and draw in many different friends. The 30's are when you start to narrow down your circle of close friends and start to build even more on what you've begun in your 20's. The 40's and 50's are when you enjoy the fruits of your building years and are happy and enriched with your circle of friends. Studies show that when you have a good group of close friends your overall health is much better than those who don't have close friends. Couples also benefit from having friends to socialize with.

I am more motivated than ever to start concentrating on becoming the best friend that I can be in the hopes that when I need the mental stimulation of a good conversation, the companionship of a lunch date, the enjoyment of a funny movie or the comfort of an arm around my shoulders, I will have my good friends to rely on! So don't be surprised if you get my text or call saying, "Hey, wanna do lunch?"

 Today is Motivating Monday!  We all need a little motivation!  I, for one, love to explore other sites for motivating, mostly non-sponsored posts, tips, pictures and videos!  If I happen to find a great one, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MotivatingMonday hashtag!  It's like being featured!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! Don't be shy--I'm really very supportive!  Remember, any link to your posts helps your blog numbers increase! 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Just Showing Up + Motivating Monday Link-Up

Some days I literally only have energy to show up, nothing more. It's not the best offering in the world, I can tell you. On the other hand, it may just be enough sometimes. Especially if you are dealing with all kinds of other things on your plate. 

It's definitely not OK to "just show up" in a relationship, though. "Just showing up is better than nothing at all, but your mate can tell the difference between a begrudging, obligatory appearance and a whole-hearted effort to listen and understand." --Tim, Joy Downs

There is the optimal version of you showing up at your best and then there is the minimalist version. I say if you can just show up at your best more times than you simply just show up, that is winning! It's a rare occasion when you can actually show up in top form in everything, every single day, anyway. So why even feel bad when you can't? 

Just be real with yourself. For instance, your optimal routine may be a 5 mile run, but you don't have the time or energy today. It's OK to give yourself permission to do a brisk 15-minute walk instead. Save the 5 miler for when you are available and energized! At least you are creating a habit, and good habits are what create excellence!
image credit: JennyTibbetts
 Today is Motivating Monday!  We all need a little motivation!  I, for one, love to explore other sites for motivating, mostly non-sponsored posts, tips, pictures and videos!  If I happen to find a great one, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MotivatingMonday hashtag!  It's like being featured!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! Don't be shy--I'm really very supportive!  Remember, any link to your posts helps your blog numbers increase!