Sunday, April 13, 2014

Nutty For NeoCell Beauty Supplements


   If anyone is nutty about NeoCell, that would certainly be me!  I love the Beauty Bursts.  I can honestly say that they are better than candy.  It does pose one slight problem.  I love candy and I can't stick to just two per day.  They are so good!  My favorites are the Fruit Punch flavor, but the Fresh Mint is great as well! My skin loves them too!  My skin has literally firmed up since I have been taking them!  So really, NeoCell, you're a tricky one!  By letting me do this review and giveaway, you've got yourself a permanent customer!
  I also love the Keratin Hair Volumizer Supplements.  I have used Keratin Products on my hair in the form of shampoo, conditioner and mousse.  I have seen the good effect they had on my hair used externally.  But NeoCell believes in beauty starting from nourishment from the inside and that's just what this supplement is all about.  In the form of a capsule, it is to be taken once in the morning and once at night.  I saw results in about 10 days!  My hair grew fast, fast, fast and had more volume and was softer!

Reasons To Use NeoCell Beauty Bursts:
  • Individually wrapped in a re-sealable bag
  • No artificial flavors
  • Delicious sweet flavor
  • gluten free
  • No artificial palm oil
  • Great alternative to candy
  • Delivers high absorption collagen types 1 & 3 to the body
  • Delivers Hyaluronic Acid For Skin Hydration & Renewal
  • Delivers Vitaman C - A Collagen Enhancer
  • WINNER - "Best of Natural Beauty" 2013 Better Nutrition Magazine
  • WINNER  - "Best Beauty Supplement" 2013 Delicious Living Magazine
 Reasons To Use Keratin Hair Volumizer
  • In capsule form, delivering nutrients clinically proven to enhance hair health
  • Delivers a patented form of keratin that is clinically proven to be essential to hair luster
  • Delivers NeoCell's Super Collagen, needed for beautiful hair, skin and nails
  • Delivers Amla or Indian Gooseberry, an anti-oxidant known its for anti-aging properties
  •  Increases Hair Volume - At least that was my experience! 
  • Enhances Hair Strength - Again, my experience
  • No soy, wheat, lactose, starch, yeast or articficial flavors
  • Reduces Hair Loss - My experience
  • WINNER - Vanity Fair Beauty Blog Top Choice!
NeoCell Products are available at fine online stores such as The Vitamin Shoppe,,, and and of course, Amazon.  Those are just a few!

You can also follow them on Facebook Instagram, Twitter and YouTube!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Box Of Treats To Brighten The Day! #MercoLocal

There's something so fun about receiving a box full of surprises in the mail. I received the following items in my Merco Local Subscription Box!  I like it because they are all local businesses from where I'm from-- Utah, with a propensity for green consciousness.  Take a look!  These are April's Products!  Every month is a variety of new products and services!  It comes gifted in a really cute box--

I got 6 items and 4 gift cards!  For $19.00 per month you can get some great swag!  Among the goodies:

 Fit Me Tea, with 3 samples and a filter.  It's loose leaf tea so actually quite a few servings!
 A $10 coupon to Rodizio Grill (love it!) and a free class pass to Downtime Yoga (also love)!

 Meals That Transform Power Bar and Protein Mix!  Just in time for my spring weight loss challenge!
 Coupons to Ballet West, Our Children's Earth and Eco Treasures!

3 Madelines from Les Madeleines and these didn't last 2 hot minutes.  They were delish!

    Some Healing Salve from Ashley's Apothecary.  Made with organic St. John'sWort, Comfrey, Calendula Flower, Olive Oil and Beeswax. 

Soap Nuts from Eco Treasures!  I've always been curious about these.  Apparently, you just throw a few in the washer (in a bag) and they will wash your clothing!  Other uses include glass and window cleaner, dish detergent, Kitchen Counter tops, Stainless Steel, Cloth Diapers, Personal care for bathing and washing.

I loved seeing what kinds of things are available in my area's local businesses.  If you live in Utah or are interested in getting a box of great products, regardless of where you live, since all of these products are available for purchase online if you happen to want more, you can use this coupon code for 25% off your order of Merco Local.
Ready for "the code"?  It's iheartutah

There are limited edition boxes available for purchase too!  If you want a really great box to ship to your mom or someone special for Mother's Day, for just $14.99 plus shipping, use the code Mom!  Oh yeah, I smell a deal! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Don't Go Too Big Up Front! What??

As you know, I love to blog about health and wellness.  I've got a great guest post for the kinds of food your body needs when you are trying to get in shape for whatever reason!  I do especially agree with the last quote in the last paragraph of the article!  You've only got one body, so treat it with respect!  Oh, and the first paragraph explains the title of this post more clearly!  lol!
Thanks to author, Whitney Hollingshead

If you are training for a 5K, 10K, half marathon, marathon, an extreme athletic event, or even just hoping to get in shape, your diet will play a crucial role in your success.
Depending on how long you have been training, you may have already made a lot of key improvements to your diet. If you are just starting, however, it’s really important to phase into changing your diet gradually. Brad White of Sole Fitness has been participating in races and athletic events for years. Here’s his advice on changing your diet: “Don’t go too big upfront because if you go too big upfront you will quit next week.”
So how do you know how to change your diet? Let’s take a look at the foods that will benefit you the most and compare them to the foods you need to avoid.
Here are the foods/beverages that will help:
Whole Grains

 Oatmeal: contains a surprising amount of protein
Whole Grain Cereal with Protein: can contain up to 40% of daily fiber
Brown Rice: very high in fiber and known to drastically reduce the chances of illness
Whole Grain Bread: make sure it’s 100% whole grain
Whole Grain Pasta: quick carbs with more fiber to fill you up
Lean Protein

Eggs: one equals 10% of daily protein
Canned Black Beans: 60% of daily fiber
Chicken: versatile, easy to cook
Kidney Beans: rich in iron and protein
Salmon: high quality protein, essential omega-3 fatty acids
Tuna: also a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids
Oranges: help with muscle soreness
Frozen Mixed Berries: powerful antioxidants
Lemons: one has more than 100% of daily vitamin C
Bananas: high in potassium
Sweet Potatoes: excellent source of vitamin A
Mixed Salad Greens: various phytonutrients (help keep your body working properly)
Frozen Stir-Fry Vegetables: contain beta-carotene & vitamin C
Broccoli: contains vitamin K & vitamin C
Dark Chocolate: boosts heart health
Almonds: excellent source of Vitamin E
Low-fat Yogurt: provides protein and calcium and aids with digestion

Water: drink water in its pure form for the best hydration and no calories

Here are the foods/beverages to avoid:
Sugary Food: Most sugary foods contain a lot of calories, as well as a lot of fat without giving you the key nutrients you need. On the flip side, natural sugars like those found in fruit are much better for your body.
Fast Food: Again, most fast foods contain fatty proteins and steal your calories while robbing you of good nutrition. If you have to eat at a fast food restaurant try alternatives like grilled chicken, or a baked potato with chili, and a side of fruit or yogurt.
Fried Food: Fried foods contain tons of calories and fat grams and usually taste so good that it’s hard to stop eating them after just a small amount. Try baking or steaming these foods instead.
Soda, Sugary Drinks, & Sports Drinks: These are full of sugar and a lot of calories with little to no nutrition. Sport drinks are really only helpful when you are working out for a really long period of time. When you are thirsty, grab some water instead.
Caffeinated Beverages, Energy Drinks, Coffee, & Alcohol: All of these will cause dehydration and can affect your workouts, as well as your sleep cycles.
Protein Bars & Energy Bars: The key here is to limit your consumption of these bars as they are highly processed. Focus on fresh fruits and nuts instead.
Remember, phase into these changes gradually. Start making a substitution or two each day until you can ease into changing everything. For example, plan dinner with brown rice instead of white rice tonight. Tomorrow you can have mixed salad greens instead of iceberg lettuce. If you can transition to making one key change each day, it will be easier to get to the point where all of the changes stick.
Also, do a lot of research online to find fun, fresh, and tasty ways to prepare the good foods listed above so that you don’t get tired of them. The key is to make sure the recipes aren’t adding a lot of additional fat. Also, pay close attention to how these foods are prepared when you are eating out.
Brad White also cautions that you need to prepare for the financial implications: “The other thing that is really hard is that eating healthy is not cheap. When you are talking about price per calorie, the price per calorie is a lot cheaper in bad foods.” So make sure you budget for the increased cost of groceries.
While making healthy and training-friendly changes will be expensive, time consuming, and at times even challenging, your body is well worth the sacrifice.

Monday, March 31, 2014

The Classical Stretch Retreat In Salt Lake City - How Fun Was That!!?

  It has been a week since I attended the Classical Stretch Workshop with Miranda Esmonde-White in Salt Lake City.  As someone who has been a fan of Classical Stretch and the Esmonde Technique, both part of the Essentrics trademark,  I had been highly anticipating attending this workshop.  I did not go away disappointed. 
  Miranda led us through 3 exercises classes, each about an hour.  And each time she would point out to various individuals in the room what they were doing right, wrong, or what their bodies were telling them by the way they moved.  Before I started the classes, I really felt like I had a handle on the moves and would not have any problems whatsoever.  I have experienced great improvements in my physical health, (especially my back) in the two years I have done them on the dvd and t.v.  
  But I was wrong in my assumption.  Miranda immediately called me out, in her direct and forthright way, on my half-baked efforts in the side stretches, plies, and kicks.  The purpose of the exercises is to work and stretch to your maximum capacity, regardless of someone else's level. Some people, because of their individual physical level, ligament length, bone structure, inherited tendencies, weight and size only extend their stretches a little bit but will continue to improve as they do the program.  I felt like I was doing above capacity compared to many of the people there because I am naturally limber and have tried to keep up with it.  But darned if she didn't see through that and told me that I wasn't stretching to my full capacity and that I was cheating when I was doing the leg kicks and plies.  So I stretched even more, kicked higher with better posture and then I really felt it!  She also corrected me on some of my technique, especially with the kicks and lunges and my posture.  Turns out that almost all of us in the room had pretty poor posture.  When she worked with all of us, we could look around the room and take before and after mental posture pictures.  It was really amazing.  We looked like totally different people, just from the posture changes.   
Miranda after an Exercise Class
 I heard other people's stories and like me, they had improved so much.  I talked to one gal pal, who has been doing Classical Stretch for way longer than me.  Her success story was dramatic because she actually grew 1.5 inches and was shocked that she had.  She went from being 5 "2.5 to measuring  5"4 at the doctor's office.  It was crazy!  Another friend said that her back was so bad that she would be in pain every day with it.  Now she is running marathons and doing decathlons.  She won't do without Classical Stretch.
Taking a lunch break at a local eatery
   Miranda gave us a lecture called 'Aging Backwards', some facts about the body's aging process and the effects of exercise, specifically The Esmonde Technique.  It was really eye-opening and the things she told us were revolutionary in nature.  So much so that Essentrics is being further studied at The University of Toronto and other major universities for the anti-aging effects the program has vs. other forms of exercise.   It shows that the physical fitness industry is just in its infancy.  Her new book on the same subject has been picked up by Harper-Collins and will be released shortly.  I, for one, can't wait!
  She told us that for a week right after the program we should all do the exercises for 1 hour per day to cement the movements in our minds so that they won't be forgotten. I took that advice and did 3 sessions of Classical Stretch per day and let me tell you the results were pretty amazing.  I actually saw some major differences in that short amount of time.  I did nothing else other than Classical Stretch 3 times per day.  I quit going to the gym, I didn't walk or ride my bike.  I just did Classical Stretch.  And in that time, I lost 2 lbs.  That's 2 lbs. that I haven't been able to lose any other way.  Another thing I saw is that because I am now doing the stretches properly, I saw a loss of back fat.  Apparently my spine was getting compressed and shrinking.  When I learned how to do the stretches correctly, my spine was getting stretched out and going back into it's proper alignment.  Therefore the fat that had started to accumulate around the lower back area above the waist was magically disappearing.  Wow!  Super excited!  
  I feel like more people could have attended and received some great benefits.  As it was, our session was quite small and individualized.  I don't know if or when SLC will get that opportunity again.  In other states, her retreats are much better attended.  In San Francisco, they had to get a larger hall to accommodate all of the people who attended.  
 When I say that two people are going to get a great gift in receiving Classical Stretch Season 10, I am really serious!  The Classical Stretch Giveaway ends in about 3 hours.  I can't wait to see who will win!  I hope it's you!  May the Rafflecopter Gods be on your side! 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Cougar In Town!

  There is a cougar in the area.  And no, it's not me, although it could have been me for a few hot seconds, since my husband is a few years younger! Today two schools in our area kept students inside until after lunch while the DNA searched for a big cat, according to 3 separate sightings.  And why am I not surprised?  Because I have seen a mountain lion or cougar on 2 separate occasions of my own.  
   My dog and I were walking in the gully known as Dimpledell, just below the foothills (if you can call them foothills) of Little Cottonwood Canyon.  It was dusk and we were trying to hurry before it got dark.  I was letting my dog run and she was going thru the brush and sniffing around when I turned and saw a large 4-legged animal coming out of the brush.  I knew immediately it wasn't any kind of dog.  It was watching Evee very intently.  And Evee, normally very bossy and terratorial towards animals less dominant than her wasn't doing anything but staring.  My instincts kicked in and I started yelling bloody murder for her to "get over here, NOW" and throwing rocks.  The thing retreated into the brush and Evee came.   I started walking quickly away down the path until we turned a corner.  Then I started running.  Then I called my husband, who came with a lantern and some bear repellant.  By then I was out of the gully and in the park.  
  A few months later we saw something in the same area.  This time I saw a cat slink across the path a few feet ahead of us into the brush.  Nothing else.  
  Did I call the authorities?  No.  I kind of liked the fact that there is wild life in the area and it didn't hurt us.  It was strangely beautiful and awesome to see something so wild at such a close range.  Scarey, yes.  But it was a cheap adrenaline rush.  Now, apparently, it has moved into the neighborhoods.  That's a different thing.  
  I hope they find the thing and transport it to a safer place.  I don't want it to be destroyed.  It's like any animal, trying to find something to eat in the easiest way possible.  And there are plenty of deer around to chase, that's for sure.  But possibly this cat has found that human pets are even easier prey.  Or even more chilling, the unsuspecting child.

  There are some people who are blaming the construction of homes on the benches.  This is encroachment into the territories of bears, mountain lions and other wildlife.  I agree somewhat.  Why spend millions of dollars to build a home in a neighborhood that endangers wildlife and emboldens it to come into human habitats?   But I have a feeling as to who the winner of that debate will be and it won't be the mountain lion.  
  At any rate, they haven't found anything as of yet.  So we shall see what comes of this mountain lion that I knew was here a long time ago.  

Update:  There were two more sightings in the area.  One was found in a garage.  The cat escaped, but the DNA said that if found, the animal would have to be killed because it showed aggression.   The next sighting was in a busy area with restaurants, shops and a movie theater.  It was filmed prowling through the shops and eateries.  Authorities purportedly shot it with a tranquilizor, with the intent to transport it to a safer area.  Unfortunately the animal died from the shot. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Ozeri Rev Digital LED Bath Scale! Gets Your Most Accurate Weight!

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

The other day I received an Ozeri RevDigital Bathroom Scale for review purposes.  


 It had a needle like the one on my grandma’s old bathroom scale, where it goes up until it reaches your weight, except this one lights up.  I remember the days when the needle would only go up to 105 lbs.  Then it went up to 125 lbs.  I thought I was so fat.  Then it went up to 135 lbs.  I thought I was huge.  Then it hit 145 lbs.  I thought I was a hippopotamus.  By then I was using my own digitally read scale.   Then it hit 155 lbs.  That was a year ago.  I was not a happy camper.   When I stepped on the new Ozeri Rev Digital Bathroom Scale with the fancy Electro-Mechanical Weight needle as well as a digital reading all lit up, I saw the needle zoom up to 163.4 lbs.  Yikes!  I want to see less needle zoom and more va-va-voom.  So my motivating mental image is that the needle only zooms up to 148 lbs. this summer!  That will definitely be a step in the right direction.  Isn’t it funny that what someone thinks is fat, is someone else’s skinny?  

Some other features of the Ozeri Bathroom Scale are:

·  A synchronized electro-mechanical Dial and LCD automatically illuminate and instantly point to your weight in lbs and kg, for easy-to read results in all light conditions and from any angle.

·  Visually stunning design incorporates a huge 5.5 inch dial and integrated digital display with stylish chrome accents to create a distinctive retro look with the accuracy of modern technology.

·  Uses 4 high precision GX sensors that weigh up to 400 lbs (180 kg) in 0.2 lbs or 0.1 kg increments, with StepOn technology that captures precise weight measurements upon contact.

·  Professional quality scale features and an oversized platform made of impact-resistant tempered glass for ideal stability, and a new built-in alarm that reminds you to measure your weight at the same time each day.

·  Auto-calibrated and automatically turns off to conserve battery life. Runs on 3 AAA batteries with a Low Battery Indicator (batteries included). Satisfaction guaranteed.

I think my favorite features are the 1) LCD lighting that makes it so easy to see anytime, anyplace.  2) I also like how thin and strong it is.  The glass is unbelievably strong for looking so dainty and decorative.  3)  And the fact that you don’t have to tap it before weighing.  Just step on and get your weight reading.

True Story:  We had 3 missionary friends over for dinner the other day.  They have been away from home for various lengths of time.  We had put the scale in the kitchen for the time-being and it caught their eye immediately.  They loved the way it looked and so naturally they all had to weigh!  One of them is from Hawaii and he was very concerned with how much he had gained since leaving home.  Apparently in this area, they are well-fed!  He got on the scale and we all saw—he weighed 275 pounds.  Big boy!  The other two got on and we couldn’t believe it.  They each weighed the exact same, 215.4 lbs.  Go figure.  That never happens.    It was really fun to see their reactions to our scale!

I'm impressed with the company because they were originally marketed exclusively to high-end resorts, hotels and estates!  Then through word of mouth, their products trickled down to the consumer.  It saves the buyer money because their reputation goes before them through key touch-points throughout the industry so very little advertising is necessary, therefore saving advertising costs which is then passed down to the consumer.  

The Ozari Rev Digital Bathroom  Scale is a great addition to any household and the price is great!  I found it for only $29.95 on Amazon! 

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Friday, March 14, 2014

My Surface Trinity Dry Shampoo Review

There are so many things that I am not talented at, doing hair is one of them.  I sort of get around that by going twice a month to my hair whisperer, whose name is Kelli. Kelli coaxes my unruly, coarse, thick, unmanageable hair into some semblance of order.  She is so talented and I can't do without her.  Sometimes I'm even fooled into thinking my hair is actually that pretty, but alas, I wash my hair and it's a whole other animal to deal with.  Believe me, if I can stretch the style and blow-out between the next wash, I will.  

That's why I loved Surface Trinity Dry Shampoo when they gave it to me to review.  It  actually delayed the day of reckoning with my hair by giving my style at least a whole 1 - 2 days more.  I'm not saying that I only wash my hair once a week, but I AM saying I try to delay washing it after I get it styled.  No judgement, you gal pals with naturally gorgeous hair no matter when you wash it!

My hair, needing a visit to the Hair Whisperer
I've actually loved the idea of dry shampoo and have done the baby powder thing quite a bit.  But that was only when I was so desperate that there were no other options.  I dislike the gunked-up feeling that my scalp got when I used it.  Surface doesn't give me that feeling at all because there is no residue.  "It is made with an invisible organic mineral fusion of volcanic ash touting over 50 natural occurring minerals that create a crystalline, porous structure.  Combined with ocean water and lemon extract, the mineral rich ash cleanses and freshens the scalp and hair while absorbing free radicals and providing for a healthy scalp and hair. "

And true to their philosophy of being easy on the planet and using only the most healthy and certified vegan ingredients, this is also the case.  Surface products are made with organic, gluten-free, sulfate-free, 100 Percent vegan protein and paraben-free ingredients.  And the price is not so bad for all of that!  I found it online for a great price.  Furthermore, when I saw the result of my initial test, I was hooked.  Love this stuff!!!  And even though styling hair may not be my thing, I have it sort of covered now. 
No need to visit Hair Whisperer for awhile
  I made a short video to let you see my very candid, very unrehearsed experience with Surface!  Again, no judging!  lol! This video was made in conjunction with the photos taken above.  I thought it would give a bit more insight into the experience.  Prior to the video, I had no experience with Surface Trinity Dry Hair Shampoo.

You can Connect with Surface and find exclusive salons that carry Surface!
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest