Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sabbatical Sunday Weekly Link-Up

 I like to take a break from the regular routine on Sundays, including my blog.  It gives me a chance to clear my head, re-set priorities and appreciate the many blessings I've been given.  I go to church, I reflect, and I try to find ways to inspire me to be a better mom, wife, Christian, and person.  Sundays are my day to take a sabbatical!  If you have a post that you'd like to share that is a little different from the ordinary weekday post, feel free to link up here!  We'd love to have you!  If you post a link, won't you take some time to check out the other links and follow, comment or share!  

Monday, October 6, 2014

Motivating Monday Weekly Link-Up

We all need motivation! Did you find something that motivated you this past week? It could be a Tweet, Facebook Post or a blog post you like. OR maybe you wrote a blog post about something that gets you fired up, a rant, if you will!  That technically counts as being motivated!  I will definitely visit, comment, follow and promote!  I may even visit your site and if I see something that motivates me, I'll link it up!  Of course I'll let you know if I did!  Everyone is invited to do the same!

Feel Good About Your Neck! Dermagist Neck Restoring Cream Review

Disclosure:  This is a review and a review product was provided in exchange for my honest opinion.  
 It’s a known fact that one of the very first signs of aging for a woman is her neck.  And that is why I loved Nora Ephron and her lighthearted look at aging.  The late writer of ‘Sleepless In Seattle’ and director of other fun films like ‘You’ve Got Mail’,  ‘Julia and Julie’ and ‘When Harry Met Sally’ waxed philosophical and hilarious at the same time in the book  I Feel Bad About My Neck.  For instance she said,

 “Our faces are lies and our necks are the truth.  You have to cut open a redwood tree to see how old it is, but you wouldn’t have to if it had a neck.”  OR  “One of my biggest regrets—bigger even than not buying the apartment on East Seventy-fifth Street. Bigger even than my worst romantic catastrophe—is that I didn’t spend my youth staring lovingly at my neck.”
  Perhaps she hadn't tried using Dermagist Neck Restoring Cream?
   Made with special ingredients like peptides, hyaluronic acid, plant stem cells and various other high quality and precisely blended ingredients, it is designed to get results in 4 areas: Improving the look of very loose skin on the neck, targeting deeply entrenched wrinkles, instant-effect target tightening, and long-term benefits and health.
Recommended for use twice daily, it is easy to put on and go.  1 bottle is designed to last for approx. 60 days.  Since its release about 5 years ago, it has had a consistent reputation as one of the very best neck treatments on the market today.   Women are constantly saying things like, “I just started using this cream but love it! I already see a difference and love the light texture!” (review from Buyer Review website)

   My opinion:  I was given a bottle of Dermagist Neck Restoring Cream to try and although I’m not finished with it yet, I can say that it is very soothing, absorbs well, smells lightly of citrus, and doesn’t flake off.   After two weeks, I feel that the skin on my neck is more supple and smooth.  I really do like it!  Advice:  Don’t use more than a few drops at one time!  It’s not a cream meant to slather like butter on toast!  It’s made to absorb into your skin and work is magic down under the top layer!  
   Guarantee:  Dermagist has a guarantee in place to make you feel even more secure trying it!  If you aren't 100% satisfied after 30 days, you can return the bottle for a credit.  By then they're so sure you'll be so happy with it that you won't want to return it, but instead get another bottle!  
   Price:  Let's talk price.  This isn't the most inexpensive cream around.  But there are definitely ways you can pay much less.  A simple one-bottle purchase from the company will run you $99.00 + shipping and 2 bottles costs less at $129.99 + shipping, which turns out to be less than $1.00/day because each bottle lasts for 60 days.  Dermagist also offers regular shipment every 45 days for 20% off the regular price of $99.00. 

You can get social at on Twitter @dermagist, Facebook

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Dermagist Neck Restoration Cream #Giveaway

Welcome to the
Dermagist Neck Restoration Cream Giveaway! (ARV $99)
Most women show age around their neck before they do on their faces.  It can start with little dry patches, thinning skin, wrinkles and loss of firmness.  But Dermagist is a premier cream that will actually reverse the signs of aging skin on the neck.
$99.00 ARV

Dermagist Neck Restoration Cream Aims To Deliver On some Vital Goals:
1.  Improving The Look of Loose Skin on the neck.
2.  Long term effectiveness
3.  Targeting deeper wrinkles.

One winner will receive a bottle of Dermagist Neck Restoration Cream. Good for Prevention or Restoration, you'll love the feel and smell of this delicate cream.

; -> a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sabbatical Sunday Weekly Link-up

 I like to take a break from the regular routine on Sundays, including my blog.  It gives me a chance to clear my head, re-set priorities and appreciate the many blessings I've been given.  I go to church, I reflect, and I try to find ways to inspire me to be a better mom, wife, Christian, and person.  Sundays are my day to take a sabbatical!  If you have a post that you'd like to share that is a little different from the ordinary weekday post, feel free to link up here!  We'd love to have you!  If you post a link, won't you take some time to check out the other links and follow, comment or share!  

Monday, September 29, 2014

Motivating Monday - Rants Welcome!

We all need motivation! Did you find something that motivated you this past week? It could be a Tweet, Facebook Post or a blog post you like. OR maybe you wrote a blog post about something that gets you fired up, a rant, if you will!  That technically counts as being motivated!  I will definitely visit, comment, follow and promote!  I may even visit your site and if I see something that motivates me, I'll link it up!  Of course I'll let you know if I did!  Everyone is invited to do the same!

Water, Our Most Precious Desert Resource

The rains have come and with it, the true beginning of Fall.  Even though Fall officially started this past week, today is the beginning for me.  Last week temperatures were in the high 80's and summer was still with us.  

Last Friday night I went to my son's football game and right as I got there, the clouds started rolling in!  People brought their umbrellas, having paid attention to the weather report that there is a huge system rolling in.  Sure enough, as the game got underway, so did the rain.  But it didn't last long and the rest of the game was played in relative dryness.

I got home at around 11:00 p.m.  Exhausted by my week, I collapsed into bed, ready to sleep for a good long time.  But in the middle of the night I was awakened by huge claps of thunder.  The lightning and thunder were spectacular! 

Today it has rained all day long and it seems like the state will be drenched!  But not so fast, this is the 2nd driest state in the Union.  And water usage is going up at an alarming rate.  Not only is the population increasing, but certain demographics are squandering the water we have, by not utilizing the natural desert landscape, and instead creating an artificial rainforest effect on their properties and watering like crazy.  
 Just how much do I mean by that?  Well, I called the city public utilities over a question about our water usage.  The lady and I got to talking and she revealed some very interesting tidbits about the various areas around the city.  I found out that my household's water usage is on the low scale of average, 30K gallons of water per week.  The average monthly water usage for my area is 30K - 80K gallons of water per week.  But there is another area just south and west of me that is totally different.  This happens to be the wealthiest real estate area in the whole state.  It comprises about 15 - 20 miles of prime real estate with property prices ranging from $850,00 to $5,000,000.  The woman at the Public Utilities Office revealed that the average water usage for this area is 200K - 300K gallons per week.  This is crazy to me!  What are these people thinking?  This is a desert, people!
 And of course, the local government has to make some changes, because the population will be increasing by another 2.5 million people in the next 35 years--and because of the current usage rate the population is projected to surpass the developed water supply by the late 2030's.

My initial concern that my household is using too much water was cut short by the astronomical usages by my neighbors to the southwest.  The decadent manner in which water is being squandered just to alter the natural vegetative state into something that isn't realistic is, to my mind, morally wrong!  

One might argue, "I pay my water bill, so I can use whatever water I want, even if it runs in the gutters, it's mine because I pay for it."  Well guess what, it's not your water, dude.  It's going to run out and then your private oasis will dry up like the rest of the state only you live with the fact that you and your fellow Neighborhood Watch friends sucked it up, only thinking about how much more lush your yard could be in comparison to your wealthy neighbor up the road.  Oh the foolishness of pride!

The state lawmakers are looking into changing how Utah deals with property taxes and water.  Apparently only Utah uses property taxes to lower the prices of water.  A study has recommended that property taxes should be reduced and instead make it a users' rate-based water fee.  

I personally think that property taxes should remain intact and that water taxes should be added on top of that.  I believe it would get people in those high-end neighborhoods to take a second look on how much water they use.  It could save everyone in the state a lot of grief in the long run.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sabbatical Sunday Weekly Link-up

 I like to take a break from the regular routine on Sundays, including my blog.  It gives me a chance to clear my head, re-set priorities and appreciate the many blessings I've been given.  I go to church, I reflect, and I try to find ways to inspire me to be a better mom, wife, Christian, and person.  Sundays are my day to take a sabbatical!  If you have a post that you'd like to share that is a little different from the ordinary weekday post, feel free to link up here!  We'd love to have you!  If you post a link, won't you take some time to check out the other links and follow, comment or share! 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Make Your Own Scented Body Cream - RainShadow Labs Review

Disclaimer:  I received one or more products to facilitate this review.  No other compensation was received!

 I love living in Utah where we get all 4 seasons.  Yesterday it was in the upper 80's and overnight a storm blew in, so today it is lightly raining. The leaves are changing rapidly.  But I love the lakes, mountains, verdant meadows, and forests.  In each of these places, if left in their pristine state, one can find substances and fragrances that are healing to the mind and body. 

RainShadow Labs has searched high and low in each of these places, throughout the world, to bring natural solutions to skin and hair that will leave you feeling as if you personally witnessed the gathering and formulation processes!  Everyone can benefit from RainShadow Labs.  They manufacture high-end natural beauty solutions at wholesale prices 
About the CEO co-ownersVanessa Johannsen is the resident Alchemist, CEO and Chief Custom Designer with RainShadow Labs.  She is well qualified and really is the explanation why this company has such product integrity.  Vanessa spent 10 years in the natural botanical field, studying plant medicines intensively including a 5 –year apprenticeship with a Huichal elder and medicine man, 3 years with a Seminole Native American Medicine Man and Shamans from both Guatemala and Peru.  She has a bachelors and masters in Holistic Health, Herbalism and Aromatherapy.  The products are a result of her direct involvement and design.  Tim Johannsen is the business end of the company and has helped those who choose Rainshadow as their product supplier to think bigger, smarter and in a manner as to promote world conservation.  Together they are a formidable team and have been in business since 1983.

ARH Hyaluronic Acid Serum - The 32 oz. amber bottle comes without frill or labels.  But it is all business when it comes to the ingredients.  Rated as a whole food because of the 72% natural ingredient list, it packs a punch in the beauty category. 

"Botanical Hyaluronic Acid makes up five percent of this high quality formulation. Holding up to 1000 times its weight in water and drawing moisture out of the environment and onto the surface of your skin, there is not a more effective moisturizing agent on the world market today." It is Non-comedogenic, penetrates deeply, and activates collagen production for a fresher, younger, firmer, brighter complexion.
 This is a great product to use alone or mix with other products, such as a masque, lotion or cream.  I like to use it by itself, after I wash and before I moisturize.  It absorbs quickly so I don't have to wait more than a minute before putting on moisturizer.  I love how supple my skin is looking with regular use of this Serum. Other ingredients include organic aloe, witch hazel, jojoba oil, green tea, Geranium essential oil, and vitamins C and E. 

LBBC Smoothie Cream - This lotion is so lovely! It is 35% organic, unscented and the price is unbeatable.  A one-gallon bucket is $35.70! You can make over 60 2-oz jars of cream with that amount!
It absorbs into the skin quickly and makes it feel smooth and silky for hours.  Ingredients include shea butter, sweet almond oil, pumpkin seed oil, Macadamia Nut oil, wheat germ oil, avacado oil and Kukui Nut Oil, among others!  This lotion is perfect for making your own scented lotions.  I found some great Fragrance Oils that I mixed in with this lotion.  It makes for great gifts and so inexpensive!  A 2 oz. jar of scented lotion, including the container, averages about $1.50. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Two Ways To Have More Faith In God

1) A simple admonition given by D. Todd Christopherson “Let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power." struck me.  How many times do we worry, fret and stew so much that we can do nothing else?  It's so unproductive!  Many times the best way we can know that God has been there for us is when we come up short but leave the rest in God's hands and somehow He comes up with the balance.   What a faith strengthener!  
Something very simple happened to me the other day, helping me to understand that.  I had misplaced my phone and had looked everywhere to find it.  It was like I had cut off my pinky finger!  I needed it badly.  I was immobilized without it.  Even my husband got involved looking for it.  Finally I asked him if we could say a prayer because I had looked everywhere that I knew.  So we did.  As we said the actual prayer, the thought of where I had last used the phone came to me and along with it, the place where I had left it.  It was really quite amazing! But the help came only after we had done everything we could do and came up short.  That is when we left it in God's hands. When I quit worrying and being frantic, the answers came.

2) "Everything that invites and entices us to do good comes from God."  -David Bednar.  Have you ever wondered if the thought or idea you just had is your own thought or did it just come from above?  Maybe you haven't prayed for awhile and all of a sudden you can hear your mother telling you to say your prayers, like she did when you were a child.  (If you were so fortunate!) 
 I believe that God uses others to deliver personal messages, in this case, through memories of one's own mother, to remind of things already known but forgotten along the way!  Why would He do anything else if we already have had or now have a good example in our lives? And it applies to us too! We can be angels to those around us if we keep our eyes open and an open heart.  Basically all good comes from God, so when in doubt ask yourself, is this something that is good?  Or is it selfish, prideful, or coercive?  If that is the case, chances are it isn't from God. 

An Amazing Example
 I have to think about Mariam Ibraheem, the Sudanese Christian woman who was held captive, sentenced to die for not converting to Islam.  She was married to an American and wanted to leave Sudan to be with him.  I don't believe in religious coercion and any person, group or organization who tries to force a religion on anyone else is plain evil in my book.  This woman was firm about her belief in Christianity and despite very difficult conditions, including lack of help from the U.S. government, held firm.  Her faith was amazing. She knew that being a Christian was what she wanted and that it was good.  So she held on to that belief.  Finally she was released, after giving birth to her baby boy in a filthy prison, with chains on her ankles, after being pressured by Islamic Imams to switch religions, and after looking death in the face. 
It is through examples like this that I look at myself and wonder just how strong I might be in similar circumstances and realize that I need to be more proactive in my stand for good.  And thus this post.