Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Creative Friend!

Ok, she did it again!  My friend, Patti from work made the best baby gift for me!  I order many of my baby gifts from her now because I love the novelty of getting something just a bit different.  I've been getting baby blankets, baby outfits, baby supplies forever and I guess I've started wanting to be a little out of the box.  I want to have fun looking at my gift and I love to see the creativity that someone can have, using ordinary baby supplies and making them into a craft creation!  May I present to you the diaper bouquet!  Voila!

She has a diaper pail, diapers, baby booties, and a baby blanket in this cute bouquet of 5 flowers! See more of her creations here!


MickiK said...

That is absolutely adorable! I'm so in awe of your friend Patti. I'm sure if I tried that it'd end up looking like a complete disaster. Great work.

Anonymous said...

That is so cute. I have never seen one like that.

Michelle F.

Debbie Jean said...

Thats beautiful! And what a great alternative to the diaper cake! Thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

This is the cutest diaper gift I have ever seen! This would put a huge smile on any new mommy or daddy's face! I love the colors you used!

Mommy Pehpot said...

your friend is really creative!!!

I never thought those are diapers! :)