Showing posts with label Choosing Your Child's First Pet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Choosing Your Child's First Pet. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

How To Choose Your Child's First Pet

As you might know, I am a huge animal lover, and especially have an affinity for dogs. They are such intelligent and loving creatures and humans do well learning from them. I feel like anyone who has a shred of good in them, or has a hope to have good instilled within them, should have a dog, or at least access to one. Dogs are ultra sensitive, giving, loyal, and loving, to name just a few characteristics! Having said that, you want to have a pet that is right for you and your child! There is nothing more sad than seeing a dog dropped off at the shelter because the owners couldn't handle the responsibility of being dog owners. Shelters are not any kind of substitute for a caring and loving home. Shelters try to adopt the dogs out, but if they can't within a certain window of time, the future isn't good for that once wanted and loved puppy.
I am featuring a guest writer who is in agreement with me on those points! Introducing Cassandra Matheson! Take it away, Cassandra!

"A dog is the only thing in the world that loves you more than you love yourself," said Josh Billings. For this reason and many more, dogs are the most popular companion animals, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Among cage and exotic animals, aquarium fish are more preferred as compared to their closest competitors which include rabbits, ferrets, turtles, and snakes.

 At some point in their childhood, most kids will ask their parents for a pet. Selecting the perfect one should be done with caution as it will create a foundation for the child to become a worthy pet owner in the future. The ideal pet should give your child a great experience while sparing your finances. 

Are You And Your Child Ready For A Pet?

The first  two questions to ask yourself are whether the child is ready to adopt the pet and if you are ready to monitor the new household. As a mother, you should not hand over the care of a new pet entirely to your children, especially if they are young. "Parents have the ultimate responsibility for pet care. If you give your child chores to do for the pet, such as walking the dog, you need to ensure that it is done," said Melissa Bain, an assistant professor at Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. Prior to acquiring a pet, you should check your kids for obedience. If he or she can understand and follow basic instructions, they have a better chance of keeping the new pet safe and well fed. Another trait to look for is gentleness. Your child should have control of the force she uses to touch the animal, lest she risks hurting it. Additionally, they should have a sense of responsibility so that they are able to feed and take care of the new pet, even in your absence.

Matching With The Perfect Pet 

While finding the right pet, Bain advises being realistic about both the child and the pet. For instance, an overly active kid should be supervised closely more than one who is calm. She also added that the most difficult combination is an active child and a nervous pet. When it comes to the new pets, the most common problems as observed by veterinarians are aggression and adaptation to the new environment. As such, you should conduct sufficient research on the breed while comparing its traits against your family's lifestyle and requirements. Particularly, dogs and cats should be introduced and socialized using reinforcement techniques if necessary. To achieve good results in establishing a smooth relationship, you can opt for professional pet obedience training. 

A first pet is an exciting but demanding challenge for your young son or daughter. While looking for one, remember that there is a big chance that he or she has never been responsible for something as involving and delicate. This means that you should monitor the whole process of acquisition from the word go. While at it, don't forget to consult a pet store or veterinary for advice on how to feed, clean and play with the new pet!