Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts

Monday, February 12, 2018

A Relationship Safe Zone + #MyPostMonday The Week's Best Original Content

Hi Friends! I am so happy to finally be well! I continue to think of the many people who are still struggling with this year's flu. In one Utah county, a principal of a school pleaded with parents to keep their sick kids home because there were 150 kids sick at home, which wasn't the problem. It was the 30 - 40 kids who showed up at school throwing up, coughing, and just generally being contagions to the other kids who weren't yet sick. I totally agree with this policy and wish that parents would keep their sick kids home. I know that schools are the babysitting mecca for working parents everywhere, but it has become a problem, with schools becoming cesspools of disease, especially during outbreaks.

Valentine's Week is here and we are excited at school, with the prospect of a celebration of friendship and solidarity. We are working to not bully those who are different and to appreciate those differences. Middle School is a tough time to recognize that just because someone is different, doesn't mean it's an automatic threat. I think that takes many of us a whole lifetime to learn and some never do. So we are working hard on that concept this week!

Another thing I think is so important to remember is that Valentine's Day is more than buying things for your loved one. The most important thing you can do is to give the gift of time and attention to your significant other. I really liked this tweet saying, "Let's not make VDAY the end all be all...acknowledge it, but if there's not an extravagant gift, it's OK. It's just one day." Seriously, if you are putting all your eggs in the Valentine's Day basket, and counting on that day to make up for other past relationship missteps along the way, you are not in a 'Relationship Safe-Zone!' 

If we can remember to make room all through the year for our significant others and for those whom we want to include in our "circle of trust" (source: "Meet The Parents"), we will be giving an amazing gift, not just reserved for Valentine's Day! Our relationships are apt to be more happy, comfortable, and enjoyable!
Today is "My Post Monday!", a curation of the week's best original content. It's all about posts from Crafts to Camping, Wellness to Wealth, Fashion to Food, and whatever else is on the brain!  I  open up with a post of my own and then follow it up with a linky of the week's top original blog posts! It's all about what the writer thinks, believes, and knows--in other words, they are active, writing blogs. If I happen to find a great original, non-sponsored post, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MyPostMonday hashtag!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! (Affiliate links welcome!)     

Monday, July 27, 2015

A Lost Sock + Motivating Monday

It was a pretty mundane week as weeks go. Nothing very impressive happened. I did, however, find a long lost sock that I had been missing. It wasn't just any sock. It was one of those thick, cushion-y, fully padded socks that make your feet say, "thank you for pampering me!" I have my everyday socks and then I have my special socks. So when it came up missing months ago, I was very sad and distraught. I looked and looked. But it never showed. Finally I went on, thinking I would never see it. But I kept its mate, just in case. I guess I just held out enough hope to make sure that if it was to return, there would be another sock to welcome it. Today when it showed up in my laundry basket, I couldn't believe it. I don't know who returned it to its rightful place and it begs the question, are socks living things? It's like it just jumped into my laundry basket all on its own! Nevertheless, there it was and I happily reunited it to its mate! And now my feet are going to be extremely happy!

Sorry for humanizing the socks. But it does remind me of  a relationship I have, or don't have, right now. I feel like I have lost more than a sock, it's someone in my life, someone who matters to me almost more than life itself. But right now, lost to me. What can I really do?

I can choose to fret and worry and bemoan my feelings of loss, which I must admit I do sometimes, in the wee hours of the night. But the fact is, I can't make them come back into my life, no matter how hard I try right now. But like my precious lost sock, maybe I can also hold out hope, keeping a place ready because one day, like the sock, he will show up and return to his rightful place in my heart and my life. And I will be so extremely happy....
Faux Falls Moab, UT - Photo by Gina Herbert  quote found here
 Today is Motivating Monday!  We all need a little motivation!  I, for one, love to explore other sites for motivating, mostly non-sponsored posts, tips, pictures and videos!  If I happen to find a great one, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MotivatingMonday hashtag!  It's like being featured!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! Don't be shy--I'm really very supportive!  Remember, any link to your posts helps your blog numbers increase!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Knowing What Goals To Pursue + Motivating Monday

Have you seen this picture? It is powerful in that what we see onstage are those graceful and gorgeous ballerinas floating around on the stage. What we don't see is the intense work they have to do in order to make themselves appear like weightless nymphs! But look at those poor feet, do they not just make you say ouch?  I think I'll stick with the Zumba myself! 

Even with less stressful forms of dance, you still feel the pain. For a couple of years I explored the world of middle eastern dancing and we weren't even close to getting on our toes, but I ended up getting Plantar Faciitis, an extremely painful foot condition. So even my minor success was met with some pain from the work I did put in. After I stopped doing it so much, the pain went away. I don't miss it, either!

What we need to ask ourselves is are we willing to make the types of sacrifices that it takes to see specific kinds of success? For instance, when we become a successful business person, are we aware that it will take many hours outside the home, away from our families? We have to know what sacrifices there will be. Many times it is worth it. But maybe there are certain times in our lives where those sacrifices can best be made and other times when we need to let them go.  

I play both the piano and the violin. When I was younger, if I had wanted to be more successful at these instruments, I probably should have spent more time then, practicing, and less time pursuing leisure. Now, it's not a priority for me to get better than what I am already, even though sometimes when I see Lindsey Stirling playing her violin and dancing dub step, I feel a twinge of something....regret, maybe? I am content with playing fairly simple pieces and not having the technique and quality that I might have had if I had practiced and sacrificed more. I need to be content at being an appreciative audience member at concerts and performances, because I personally won't be on the stage, and that's OK! 

And what does it take to create a successful relationship? What does it take to raise a caring, socially responsible child? Those things also will take every bit as much sacrifice as any successful musician, dancer and business person. And are those things worth it? I think they are. I feel that certain relationships can be and are meant to be lasting. The family, the friend, and the partner all can bring intense joy and satisfaction. But sacrifices must be made--like time, sharing, selfless service, listening, and thoughtfulness.  Some sacrifices should never have to be made, however. For instance, you should never have to sacrifice your dignity, your freedom to choose what's best for you, or your friends and family in order to maintain a relationship with someone else.

Sit down and figure out what it is that you really want in life. Then decide if it is worth the sacrifice. And if it is, work at it every single day and know that your dreams will come true!

Today is Motivating Monday!  We all need a little motivation!  I, for one, love to explore other sites for motivating, mostly non-sponsored posts, tips, pictures and videos!  If I happen to find a great one, I'll link it up and share it with you on Twitter via the #MotivatingMonday hashtag!  It's like being featured!  Sometimes I miss some amazing posts.  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! Don't be shy--I'm really very supportive!  Remember, any link to your posts helps your blog numbers increase!  Have a great week!