Monday, July 18, 2016

Clear Vision + #MyPostMonday Link-Up

It has been a really hard few months for everyone and I'm not just talking Americans. With the advent of the internet, we are painfully aware of many of the world's tragedies unfolding before our eyes. And since it is so easy to hop on a plane, and be in another country in a matter of a few hours, we feel more connected than ever to our brothers and sisters overseas. There is anger and outrage, no matter what side you're on, and either side feels they have the monopoly on being right. There seems to be no shortage of those who will take matters into their own hands and wield out punishments they feel are deserved for injustices caused, not even to them personally, but done to others who may be similar in circumstances, beliefs, color, religion, politics, etc. The list goes on and on. 

Personally, I feel like crawling in a little hole and just letting it all pass by, hoping I somehow won't be affected by it all. Not saying I'm doing that--I am very tuned in to Social Media, like everyone else. I get the news. I get at least several reports per day on the things that are going down. It is disturbing. Those who do nothing are as bad as those who go against the cause.

There is a saying commonly attributed to Mohandas Gandhi stating that the old Mosaic law, an eye-for-an-eye,a tooth-for-a-tooth, if carried out completely, would render the whole world blind and toothless! I can honestly see that happening! One group of self-righteous and indignant individuals demand justice and if not given in the way they see fit, take it out on random individuals and call it justice served. And, of course, opposing groups or individuals will take umbrage and make sure it happens twice as brutally because, again, justice served. And on and on. A spirit of real hatred and war starts spreading across the land and those who once had nothing but love for others of any race, culture, and religion, now find themselves banding together for protection among those most like themselves. It's a shame really. There is so much beauty to behold. Do we really want to blind ourselves to it? Is there a choice? We need to decide right now where we want this country to go. A lot of beauty is at stake! I, for one, want clear vision and all my teeth!!

Image - Eric Johnson
Today is "My Post Monday!" It's all about original content from bloggers who care to share what is on their minds--from Crafts to Camping, Wellness to Wealth, Fashion to Food, and whatever else is on the brain!  It's all about original content from bloggers who care to share what is on their minds--from Crafts to Camping, Wellness to Wealth, Fashion to Food, and whatever else is on the brain!  I get to open up with a post of my own and then follow it up with a linky of the week's best original content! It's all about what the writer thinks, believes, and knows. If I happen to find a great original, non-sponsored post, I'll link it up and share it with you here and on Twitter via the #MyPostMonday hashtag!  It's like being featured!  I can miss some amazing posts, but I don't want to!  So, in addition, if you'd like to link up yourself, you can do that too!  I'll visit your site, comment, promote and publicize! Remember, any link to your posts helps your blog numbers increase! (Affiliate links welcome!)(Affiliate links welcome!)

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