Wednesday, September 25, 2013

All The Help We Can Get In The Laundry Process {Review}

One of the things that we gals are constantly doing is laundry.  I don't want to be bothered by more than one load of laundry every week for any one person in my family.  Of course that usually isn't the case, but I try.  I threaten, cajol, bribe and nag, among other tactics, attempting take down the sheer number of loads done each week.  Another one of my pet peeves in the laundry room is all of the lost and mismatched socks!  I really need something to help me with this process.  And even if all the matches are there, I don't like sorting them at the end of the washing process.  Enter Sock Locks, a product I received for review.  It's actually a very simple concept but could be a huge time saver.  
 I actually wanted to let you see me reviewing it live, so I did my own laundry using the Sock Locks and filmed it while I was doing it.  (Notes are included for the obvious flub-ups) If you are someone that really doesn't like the whole sock laundry routine, you might want to give these a try!  If after watching this video, you still don't have a clue as to what these are, you can watch the official Lock Socks How-To Video.  It's very professional, unlike mine which is not professional, just authentic, nothing else!

Disclosure:  I received product for review purposes

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